Chapter 35

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One afternoon, a month later, and I was sitting in the security room. "Let's do this." I said to myself and typed in a program into the computer. I was entering Lexi's program into the house system. "Aaand done!" I exclaimed, and screwed the cover back on. I went back to the living room. "Security systems, activate." I said loudly so that the voice detectors could catch what I wanted to say. There was a musical sound. Then the lights on the ceiling turned on automatically and a voice rang out: "Security systems, online." I heard Greg from the kitchen. "You did it!" he said and clapped his hands. "It's finally done. And now, Lexi controls everything in the house. Thanks to you guys, of course! Also... Lexi dim the lights a little would you?" I said. "Affirmative." and then lights went back to normal. A while later, i sat at the couch, legs stretched, reading a magazine. Leo turned on the television, lifted my legs and put it on his lap. The two of us had gotten closer than we were before. He was goofy and really comfortable to around with. Kinda reminded me of Amaya. It had been a while since I spoke to her. "Turn down the volume." I said to Leo, and pulled my phone out of my pocket. "K." he said n turned down the volume. I facetimed Amaya, but my thoughts didn't stop from goin round n round like a circle. I hadn't told Amaya about my powers cuz it was the only way to keep her safe. 

Since we just finished our once in two months tests in class and Black Fox had done nothing yet, our lives were peaceful. I snapped out of it as I heard Amaya receive the call. "Hey girl! Long time!!" she said. She looked less energetic than usual. "Hey, is something bugging you?" I asked her, seeing worry lines on her forehead. "Oh it's nothing..." she trailed off. "Nothing, I- Oh well, you know exactly when I'm upset, don't you?" she asked. "Of course. Now what's wrong?"  

"Well, mom and Dad have to leave the country in December this year, and I probably have to stay with Grumpy Grandma next door!!!!" she said. "Why do they have to leave?" I asked. Grumpy Grandma was Amaya's neighbour, and by Grumpy, i mean Grumpy. She used to get annoyed at every tiny thing. "Something with dad's job." she said and sighed. "Well, I have an idea..." said Leo. "What is it?" I asked and turned to him. "One sec Amaya." I turned off my mic so that Leo and I could talk. "She can stay with us." he said. "Are you sure?" I asked him. He gave me a smile, and then said loudly, "Lexi, could you please ask Nate n Greg to come down?" 

"Of course." she said and after a minute, they both came down. "What's up? Lexi said you needed to talk to us." said Nate. "Do you guys mind if Amaya comes to stay with us for Christmas?"  I asked them. I saw Greg's eyes light up at hearing Amaya's name. "I wouldn't mind." he said. "Sure, we all agree, but what about our, you know, powers?" asked Nate. "Well, I'm planning to tell her when she comes here..." I said. I turned on my mic again. "You can stay with us for Christmas! Just ask Waverly n John though!" her eyes filled with excitement. "Are you guys serious?" she asked. The boys looked into the camera. "Of course!" said Leo. "It'll be great to meet the person KC's been going on about!" said Nate, causing me to elbow him in the side, hard. "Right. Sorry."

"I'll ask mom and dad when they come back tonight! Honestly, thank you guys!" she said. Her spirits were lifted and that was a relief. An hour later, we were doing nothing when Nate said, "Come on guys, we're going out!" And after changing into stuff, we all went out, locking the doors and the garage. 

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