Chapter 9

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*Greg's point of view*

I had a pretty early morning today, to go n check on how Kiara was doing. I mean, who wouldn't be concerned when your new friend gets injected with a substance and still hasn't woken up after a week and a half. But when I went into her room, she was gone. I look around for signs of forced entry. There seemed to be none. Crap, she's awake but has no idea what's going on! I go to the screen and immediately call in the other two and Chief. "What the hell Greg, I haven't got enough sleep for the past few weeks, but you have to spoil it." said Leo in a sleepy tone. "Greg, you better have a good reason for calling so early in the morning" said Nate. "Chief, Nate, Leo, we have a problem. KC's awake, but I can't find her anywhere!" I said. "What?" the three of them said at the same time. "We need to find her before someone pisses her off and anything bad happens." Nate said.

"I know that Tiger's routine. This was her jog time. Today's Wednesday isn't it?" Chief said. But that was the thing I was most afraid of. "Chief, that's going to be a problem. The sun today is too hot. It's bad for her because she just woke up. So we need to find her right now." I said, panicking slightly. "She's down at the store, ten blocks from here, buying an energy drink. She goes there every Wednesday. Greg, call her. She usually doesn't go without her comm. "Yes sir." I immediately connected my commlink so that all of them could hear and I called Kiara. She picks up almost immediately. "Kiara. Where are you? Why did you leave without telling someone?" I immediately said. "Geez calm down Greg! I went out for a jog. Plus you know that im usually careful." Wait what? What does that mean? "Come back to HQ, right now." I said. "Fine. I'm on my way" she said ad cut it. After around 5 minutes, she still wasn't here. Chief started getting worried so I was going to call her again, but she was the one called me first. But it wasn't anything good. "Greg, help me." she said. She sounded really tired, like she was losing her breath. "Kiara, what's wrong? Why aren't you here yet?" i asked her. The three of them pricked up their ears to hear closely. "Get to the gate, and bring a bottle of water with you." and the call went off. I turned to the screen again. "Sir, I think something bad is happening right now." Nate said. "It's the heat. The temperature is too high for her." I said and started searching for a water bottle. "Twins, entrance no. 1, now. Leo, find a bottle of water and come."

*Back to Kiara's point of view*

After talking to Greg (the first time he called me), I went back to the route back to HQ. On the way, I saw some drunk men making their way towards me. Oh come on! Not now! I could see two of them coming closer and i could feel myself getting angrier, hearing their cat calls. "OOH Who do we have 'ear?" said one of them. "Leave me alone, or regret it" I said. "Oh come with us love, we promise we'll take good care of you." I decided to ignore them and continued my way. Finally one of them caught up to me and tried to stop me and that's when i lost my cool. I felt the familiar fire inside me but this time, it was even in my hand. "I thought i said, NOT TO TOUCH ME" I punched him and the other one, but they got up again but for some reason, i was way stronger than ever. They immediately collapsed to the ground after 2 seconds. "NEVER THINK ABOUT DOING THAT AGAIN, GOT IT?" I turned on my heel and went back, feeling a little tired and with a headache. It kept increasing and increasing until i couldnt bear it anymore. I immediately called Greg. "Greg, help me" I said, my voice filled with tiredness. "Kiara, what's wrong? Why arent you here yet?" he asked. "Get to the gate, and bring a bottle of water with you." And I cut the call.

Come on, i need to fight this. Ugh, the sun seemed to absorb my energy. I tried to use my energy to run all the way back. I got into the position to run and closed my eyes. But when I opened them, I saw that im already at HQ's gate. I tried to stand, but i couldn't. I fell to the ground. Go to the water. Go to the water is the only thing I could hear. I slowly crawled the fountain and touched the water. An electrical sensation ran through me, all the way till my toes. Without realizing it, I was 2 feet into the air and then back on the ground. That's strange! I felt entirely energized, just by touching a few drops of water. By then, three people came running to me. Greg, Nate and Chief. "Kiara, are you alright?" Nate asked me."I-i'm fine. It's, it's just, weird things seem to happen around me." "Well, something is actually weird has actually been happening since the reception night." said Greg. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "Lets go in and talk. Are you sure you're alright?" Nate asked me again. But before I could speak, another boy came running. I recognized him as Chief's PA. He was holding something carefully. "I was to give this to you Miss!" he said, and ran off again. I looked down and saw it was a bottle of water. "Where did he go this time?" said Chief, but I had absolutely no idea what he was saying. After drinking almost half the bottle of water, I spoke again. "He who?"

"Leo!" said the twins together. "Oh." and then we stopped talking. Chief had already gone in another direction, so i was now all alone with Greg and Nate. "Thank God you're ok Kiara. Honestly, please don't go off again!" said Nate, and pulled open the door. "I mean come on! I just went for a jog. It's like what? 10 'o clock now?" and I looked at my watch for the first time that day. I stopped walking abruptly. "Are you frikin' kidding me?" I said. "What's wrong?" Greg asked me. "What day is it today? When was the reception party?" I asked them. "Uhhh that, ummmm..." said Nate. "We, uh...." and I had just noticed something weird. "Why are your hairs red and green? Even your eyes! What's going on?" I asked them. "Well, we wanted to talk to you about this inside, after a while. And you still need to meet Leo too. So i promise, we'll tell you the entire story later." and just like that, they ran off leaving me in the middle of the hall. And until that moment, I think I've never been as bewildered as that before. 

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