Chapter 12

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I choked on my water. "No way!" I said. They shook their heads. Greg got up. "Give me your glass KC" he said, I gave it to him. He kept it on the table, kneeled down next to it, and put his hand over the water. I didn't understand what he was doing until... "HOLY-" I shouted and moved back because the water had risen by the mere movement of his palm. When he moved it to the right, it too moved to the right! "You! You have telekinesis?" I asked, still in shock. "Yeah!" he said. "What-what about you two?" I asked. "Nate is pretty strong. Leo is faster than The Flash!" he said. "And we both have telepathy, so we can talk without speaking!" said Nate, pointing at Greg. "And these are the ones we've seen until now."

"Seriously, this is a LOT to take in!" I said. "I was in England when I discovered I was very fast! Almost blew my cover!" Leo said. I faced the ceiling. Am I ever going to get used to this? "Okay! I need to get over what has happened. You said we're going to the mall right? Let's go and enjoy ourselves before our complications increase." and I went up to my room before they could say anything else. "Do you think she'll be fine?" was what I heard Leo say before walking up the stairs again.

I locked the door of my bathroom, and switched on the shower. I needed to cool off after what I had just heard. Telekinesis? Telepathy? Speed? My wind was still whirring with random stuff. The water was just the right temperature, and soon, at least, until I got out of the shower I had forgotten about my crazy encounter. I decided to get ready. I changed into a tied shirt and high waist jeans and put on a jacket. I had natural wavy ombre and it wasn't completely dry so I had let it down just like that. I went down after a while.

I went to the kitchen quietly so that the boys wouldn't hear me. I leaned against the counter still thinking about all the stuff. So that's why I had seen my parents before. That's what they meant by newfound strength! 'Bound to this earth' probably meant the thing happening between me and water. I was staring silently into space. I came back into the present moment only when my head hit something hard, and without even realizing it, my legs were crossed and I was floating! "OH MY GOD!" I screamed, because I had no idea how to get down! "What's wrong? Who screamed?" I heard Leo say from the hall. "Here! The kitchen!" I said as loud as I could. Now my entire body was floating, i was trying to push myself back to the ground from the ceiling. My head was towards the entrance, but I couldn't see it. I heard two pairs of footsteps running quickly. "Who's that?" I heard Nate say. With all the strength I had i pushed my head back so that they could at least see what's going on. "A little help please?" I said. "Kiara!? When did you dye your hair pink?" he said. "Dye my hair? I did not! Now will you help me get down?" I said again. "I'll go and find Greg!" and Nate went up. "How did you get up there?" Leo said leaning on the wall. "I was just thinking and the next thing I know is that I'm sleeping on the ceiling!" I said. "And what did he mean by 'dye your hair pink'?" i said. "You didn't realize it? Your hair has changed color. But unlike ours, you hair is completely covered in pink. It looks pretty good actually..." he said. "Are you kidding me?" I said. But then, the air around me started blowing faster, and I realized that I wasn't floating anymore. "Oh no!" I said. In the split second, I noticed Leo suddenly move forward, but he disappeared out of sight at once! And before I knew it, I had landed into a pair of arms. Leo had run forward and caught me. "You're actually fast!" I said, out of breath. "Thankfully. Are you alright?" he asked. I nodded and he put me down slowly. "Thanks" I said. "Anytime!" he said and smiled. I smiled back and realized that Leo was actually a pretty nice person. We were about to walk out of the kitchen when Greg and Nate came running. "What happened? Who's flying?" Greg said, panting. "You got down? But how?" said Nate. "I fell. I'm fine! And Leo, you're right! This pink hair is pretty cool!" I had looked into one of the cabinet glasses which reflected, and i didn't lie, i liked it.

"Let's go!" I said. "Is it just me or does she seem happier than usual?" said Greg when we went to basement. "Can I drive?" I asked them, and Leo tossed me the keys. He got into the passenger's seat and the twins at the back. I turned the engine on. "You can add some modifications to this!" I said as we got on to the main road away from the house. "Got any ideas KC?" Nate asked me, with a smirk. "Oh you know I do!" I replied back. After 10 minutes, we reached the mall, and I went to the basement again, after registering the car, parked it, and we got out together. Honestly, you know the scenes in movies where the main gang of heroes walk in a straight line together in slo-mo? If it wasn't so crowded, we would've looked like that! We decided to go to Amoeba first (Idk what the video games and other fun places in malls are called, but I decided to call it the same name from the one around where I stay). I put my bag over one shoulder and looked through the glass. "It's pretty lively in there! We better stay together!" I said. The three of them nodded. So stuck together to each other like glue and went in. The music was blasting loudly, so it was difficult to talk to each other, other than the twins of course! Towards the far end, there were a group of people crowded. "Let's check that out!" I nodded and followed the boys. 

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