Chapter 41

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Next afternoon, Amaya decided to come to our college after our classes. "Well! Merry Christmas to you all! Have a great New Year too! But i expect everyone's attendance when you begin again!" said Vice-Principal Willow as the bell rang, signaling the end of classes for the year. "Well! That's the last day!!" said Greg and stretched his hands out as we walked out of the gate. "Yeah! Feels great for some reason!" said Leo. "Well, it had been a while since you guys went to school! Of course you'll feel amazing!" said Amaya as we all got into the car. "Thanks for picking us up Amaya!" said Nate. "Anytime!" she said and we went home. "Well, it's already 1 pm! We're leaving  tomorrow, early!" I said, looking at my watch. I was excited since I had never been to Adelaide. And going with these guys who are sitting next to me make it even better. "Well, how about we meet up later, after we're done packing?" I asked as i went for a drink of water to the kitchen. "Sure! Since I don't have to pack, I'll just be napping on the couch!" said Amaya, flipped her hair and went. "Is it just me, or is she really cool?" asked Greg as I made out hearts in his eyes. "Wow!" I shook my head and went to my room to pack.

Around an hour later, I was finally done packing. Bored, I went to Leo's room and knocked. "Hey! You done?" he asked as he zipped his suitcase. "Yup! You?" I asked, as I leaned against the door frame. "Yeah. Hungry?" he asked and look at the wall clock. "Yeah. I was wondering, how about I get lunch for us today?" I asked. He turned to me. "Seriously?" he asked and raised an eyebrow. "Yeah!" I said. "That'll be really great! Let the others know!" he said. I nodded. "See you in a bit!" I said, and informed the twins and Amaya and then went out.

"Yeah, that's it!" I said as I finished ordering what I needed. The waitress told me an amount, I paid and walked out with the bag. I was walking down the road and then I felt something off on a secluded lane that I just passed. Slowly, I turned back and walked down the path. And there I saw a guy in a mask, holding on to a young girl, her mouth covered. She was trying to get away from his grip, but he was too strong. "HEY!" I shouted. Both of them looked up at me. "What do you think you're doing? Let her go." I said confidently. "None of your business bitch!" he said. I cleared my throat. "I said something. Let me tell you one last time. Let. Her. Go!" I said, this time louder. "And what are you going to do if I don't? Will you come with me instead?" he said, with pure evil in his voice. "Make me." I said. He let go of one hand, and pulled the girl to where I was standing. "Don't even think about moving kid!" he spat and then caught hold of my hand to try and pull me. By then, I had concentrated my energy to my feet to stay rooted to the spot. He couldn't make me move at all. "What!" he said angrily and tried again. The girl was looking at me in surprise. I bent down slightly. The stupid man was still trying to pull me, so I spoke in hushed tones. "Listen kid. He's going to let go of your hand to try and pull me. Take that chance and run. Run to the main street and wait for me. Okay?" I whispered. She nodded. As I expected, he let go of the grip he was holding on the girl. She ran as fast she could, and that's when he realized. "HEY! COME BACK HERE!" he shouted and tried running after her. "No, you don't!" I said and sent a fireball running straight at him. "AH!!!!" he shouted as he hit the wall. "Don't you dare go kidnapping any more people. Otherwise, I'll take acre of you myself." I said sternly and easily pulled him by his collar to back to the street. 

I saw a police car on the road, and the girl was standing in front of a woman. "I-i didn't know what to do! The kind lady helped me call the p-police!" she sobbed. Handing over the kidnapper to the policeman standing there, I kneeled down and put my hand on her shoulder. "You did the right thing. Are you alright?" I asked her softly. She nodded. "Thank you for helping m-me!" she said, and gave me a hug which I returned. "We will find her parents. Thank you for helping us catch him." said the police man, nodded and then left. 

"What took you so long?" Greg asked as I went to the kitchen. I told them about what happened in the street. "WHAT! Did he hurt you- I swear if he hurt you I-!" Amaya began. "Relax! He's behind bars now. It isn't the first time he's doing this." and for the remaining time, we all just talked about random things.

That night, I was sitting on the roof looking at the sky when I heard shuffling behind me. "You sure you're okay?" I heard Leo's soft voice. I turned back to look at him, and immediately with his speed, he came and sat next to me. "Yeah, I'm great! He didn't do anything to me anyway." I said. "Still." he said, as now we both lay down flat, looking up. "How do you feel?" i asked and turned to him. "About...what?" he asked. "You're seeing your parents tomorrow." I said. He turned to me, and his eyes were shining because of the moonlight. "I'm glad. It's been a while since I've seen them." he said and sat up and I followed suit. There was hardly any sound at all, it was quiet, but comfortable. "We should-" I began and at the same time, "I should-" Leo too began.

I cleared my throat, then suddenly someone shouted from downstairs. "YOU GUYS! IF YOU DON'T GET TO SLEEP NOW WE'RE GONNA BE LATE TOMORROW!!" it was Amaya, to tell us to go to bed like we were little kids. "We better get back before Amaya actually brings the house down. She's really excited so..." I said. Leo laughed. "Let's go." 

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