Chapter 37

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Black Fox landed with a thud on top of me. "Let go of me." I said through gritted teeth. "Oooh let me think. How!" he shouted and pushed the metal harder downwards. "How are you pushing this so...hard!?" I asked. The metal was slowly started sinking into my skin. "NO!" I heard the other three shout, coming towards me. "No. Stay there! I don't remember inviting to the party!" he said, and pushed them too to different corners. "AHHH..." I cried. NO. I am NOT going to let him do this to me. To us. All the years of hatred I had kept in burst out from inside me, and a bright light flooded around me, sending Black Fox flying. The light coming from me subsided. I realized that I wasn't the only one who burst. Three other colored lights emerged from the smoke. I could feel the heat around me flare up because of my anger. "I won't let you get away with this..." I said slowly. The wounds on my hand slowly started to knit back together. Electricity was running throughout my body, with every step, with every word. I dropped on one knee. I don't know what I was doing, but somehow, it felt right. Lifting my fist in the air, I punched it to the ground. It didn't hurt, but i felt a new warmth flow over me. I rose into the air. 

"The more you get hit with my blade, you realize that percentage of your life is gone right?" he said, which made me stop in my tracks. The wolves were nowhere to be seen. "That is one way to wipe you off this earth." he said and took a large but familiar sword from the air. "You can control metal." the realization of Greg's 'sensitivity' to controlling metal slowly settling over me. 

"Oh well, wish I could stay! You see, I have some other...businesses to take care of. Ciao!" he sang and flew up. But before he could escape from my sight, from my pocket, I took out the tracker and threw it straight at him, after aiming carefully at him. It landed smoothly on him, and he didn't even feel it. Then he suddenly turned back with a wind strong enough that blew me away. "Oh i think you didn't actually meet my new friends!" he said, and with a complicated hand movement, the ground shook beneath me. A crack emerged from below and two mechanical robots, each shaped like spheres, burst out. 

"Uh-oh." I heard Nate on my right. "Ironfist." I told him. He understood immediately. "What do we do Sparky?" he asked me. "First, we need to get the people out of the building." I said. "Find Whirlwind." I said, referring to Greg. He went off, jumping straight onto the building. I needed both Nate and Greg for this one, cuz I had an idea. "Aquaboy. Help me." I said. He nodded from where he was. I ran straight at one robot  and jumped over it. Confused, it looked around searching for me. I found the control panel for the robot, and ripped it open. When i tried to put my hand to remove the wires, but something invisible was blocking me. "Shit" I said under my breath. I looked behind me where Leo was dousing the robot with water. Suddenly, with a thud, Nate and Greg landed in front of me. "What do we need to do Sparky?" asked Greg, reading his brother's mind and not calling me real name. "Both of you, hack into their systems. Aquaboy and I will get the people outta here!" I shouted. Catching on to Leo, I flew to the building where every person who was on the street were hiding with fear. "There's only one thing we can do." said Leo as I placed him on the floor of the broken part of the building. "What?" I asked him. "We need your force field if we want to get them down without getting hurt." he said. I nodded, and we both ran up to the...more solid part of the building. "Do not panic." he said in a loud but calm voice. "We are here to help. Just divide yourselves into groups of ten." he said. He turned to me. "Do it." he said. I nodded and flew to the open air again. Putting my hands in front of me, a tingling begun, signaling the formation of the force field. The people in the building silently got into lines. I pushed the force field slowly towards them. 

"Walk forward." I said. The first person, a guy with a skateboard under his arm, hesitated. "Do you think it's safe?" he asked. "It's perfectly safe. I promise, i won't let anything happen to you guys." I replied. "Why can't we just go back down through the door?" he asked. This time, Leo replied. "Those robots are programmed to attack anyone who come in their visual radius. So, one moment you see the sky, the next moment you'll see mud being thrown upon you as you're being buried." said Leo. The boy immediately jumped in, wobbled a little, but gained his balance. "The rest of you as well!" i said and the remaining 9 people jumped in. The force field had become really heavy for me, so I slowly moved to step on the ground. "I got this!" said Leo and went round and round around the sphere. With the air whirling around the ball of thin protection, he put them on the ground as he slowed down. I looked over to see the two metal spheres immobilized, not moving at all. "All done!" said Nate as he fist bumped Greg. We got the rest of the people down safely. "Well, it's unsafe to take it home or leave it here. There's only one thing left to do..." I said as I landed on the earth again. "Oh this should be fun!" I heard Greg. I had decided to burst it open with fire. "Fireworks!!" said Nate as i positioned my right hand in front of me. With a burst of energy, two mega fire balls shot out, destroying the machines all the way through. "We won't be seeing those two metal heads for a while now." I said, and patted my hands clean. The adrenaline slowly died down, and so did the fire that coated my eyes. For a long time, everything was quiet, but then the crowd erupted in cheers. "We did it... We actually did it..." I said, before finally a flash of light and I became how I looked before this entire incident. 

I looked at the guys and caught a proper glimpse of how we looked. Electricity burning in place of eyes, a glow that surrounded us like the soft rays of sun, in other words, definitely NOT human. Back home, drained of my energy, I immediately fell on the couch. "HOLY! That was-" Leo started talking, but stopped to catch his breath. "Woah! I d-didn't even know we could do that!" said Greg. "Yeah! But still! Luckily we were able to stop Black Fox before he crossed the line!" said Nate. "Lexi play the usual 7 pm news please." I said and sat up to watch the television. 

"One of the witnesses provided us with more information of the scene." said the news reporter who had appeared on the screen. The scenery changed and the guy with the skateboard whom we encountered a while back started speaking. "They were SUPERHEROES! Two of them stopped those weird robots things while the other two helped all the people to safety. I think I recall their names! Uh, the girl was called Sparkles, the fast guy was called Aquaboy, the super strong guy was Ironfist and the guy who could like use air in a way we can't, he was called Whirlwind. I mean you SHOULD have seen them!" he said, getting excited. The four of us just stood gaping at the screen. "The police, who arrived five minutes after these 4 brave souls left, also have a word to say." said the female reporter, and then pointed her mic to a policeman. "I don't have a clue of who these 4 teenagers were, or how the people like to call them, The Furious Four, but I am very thankful to them for handling whatever had happened here." he said, and then I turned off the television. "Guess we got our group name then." said Greg and sat down. "But we transformed like COMPLETELY!" said Nate, throwing his hands up. "Yeah! I mean lightning in our eyes?" continued Leo.

"It was weird." I said and sat back thinking. What had happened to us suddenly? We had transformed entirely. "Well, it's been a long for all of us. I'm heading to bed." I said and was on my way up the stairs, when I turned back smiling to the boys who were still in the hall. "Greg, you may wanna clean your room. Amaya is probably coming here during Christmas remember?" I said. "Shoot!" he said and bolted up the stairs as the rest of us laughed. 

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