Chapter 40

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I've been absent for quite a while, but with good reason. A ton has happened in my life, some good, some bad. I got my driver's license! So that's good news right? I've been playing DD (designated driver) all weekend, gotta love that straight edge life am I right? But I've also had a lot of family issues, and I couldn't be at my house for a couple of days. That's just skimming the surface. If you guys want to know what I'm up to, then check out my social media (gotta get that promo)

Instagram: Baylee.Dunn
Twitter: @Baylxx
Tumblr: Baylxx
Snapchat: Bayleed123

I follow back btw c;

I set down two mugs of tea on the table. Dan thanked me for his tea and I hummed in response. I positioned myself with my legs crisscrossed on the couch and Phil's sea world mug warming my cold November hands. Dan's right hand fiddled with the jagged slits in the sleeves of my jumper. I remember when I first wore it, my mom scoffed saying, "You look homeless," and then I replied with "That's my aesthetic mom." She just shook her head, but I could see that smile she was trying to suppress. I miss those conversations.

"What are you thinking about?" Dan asked, no longer focusing on his current video which was in the process of being edited.

I blew at the steam erupting from the my making it dance sporadically before disappearing and reappearing almost immediately, "My mom."

I set my head on his shoulder, making it easy to see his hands work on tapping the keys and skim the track pad.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" He asked adding his end title.

"Of course, I'm nervous though." I took a big gulp of the drink in my hand immediately feeling bad for my taste buds, as they probably won't work for the next couple of days.

"Why would you be nervous?" He asked, picking up his mug, his laptop stealing it's place. He positioned himself so that his whole body was facing me.

"Because," I sighed, turning myself in the same fashion he had, "Both sides of my family can be... intimidating, in different ways."

"So you're not nervous for yourself, you're nervous for me?" He laughed slightly.

"To be honest, yes." I nodded vigorously to emphasize.

"Okay then," He straightened up his back, "What do I need to know?"

"Are you ready for this conversation?"

"Hit me."

"Okay, my dad's side, very conservative, absolutely no cussing, talking about guns, or gay and women's rights. Trust me, it's for your own good. As far as they're concerned I go to church every Sunday and the only thing that's touched me is the word of the lord." I explained in the simplest way possible. "You don't have to worry about my mom's side, they're pretty self explanatory..." I smiled at the thought of Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner with them.

Although the idea of Dan having a dinner with that side of the family was an extremely exciting concept for me, the other side of the family was freaking me out.

I let out a shaky breath and closed my eyes, "Are you okay?" I heard Dan ask.

I nodded, "I'm just nervous, my grandparents can be pretty scary." I bit my lip.

"I think you forget that I also have extremely religious grandparents, there's no need to be worried." He kissed my forehead and stood up. "I'll be right back."

He got up leaving the room, I could hear him open up some doors and shuffle around somewhere, my eyebrows scrunched and I reached for my tea, taking a sip, not wanting to risk any further damage. Once I found out it was a safe temperature I drank nearly half of it, waiting for Dan. What was he looking for?

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