Chapter 41

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Hola! As it was story Baylee's birthday yesterday I felt that I should update, a present from her to you in a way. 

I cannot believe there are only a couple of chapter left in this story. I've been working on it for alomost two years and that blows my freaking mind, I was 13 when I started this story, now I'm 15. I'm almost caught up to my character... shit. I've grown super attatched to these characters and I really don't want it to end ;-;. This isn't the last chapter but it's getting pretty close. Thanks for sticking with it <3

Follow me on social media so you can hound me about updating on other platforms!!!
Instagram: Baylee.Dunn
Twitter: @Baylxx
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Snapchat: Bayleed123

I hope you enjoy.

Don't forget to comment and vote c: It means a lot when you do <3

The long over due, Chapter 41.


Once I walked in the door, I was immediately scooped into a hug that can only be described as a mom hug. The warm arms, the difficult breathing, etc.

“I missed you so much,” I whispered into her shoulder.

“I missed you, too sweety,” The moment was short lived though, as when she released me her talking suddenly went 100 mph. “Now both of you take off your shoes, and coats your tracking water into the house, god. Did you take out that lip ring of yours? Is that a tattoo? Baylee what did I tell you? Do you guys want some tea? Hot chocolate? Where’s Phil? Not that I don’t love having just Dan here, do-”

“Mum, slow down.” I laughed hanging up the coat I had been wearing. “Yes, I did take out my lip ring, yes that is a tattoo. You didn’t say anything about tattoos. We would love whatever; and Phil stayed in London with his girlfriend and for another reason but you’ll figure it out soon enough.”

“Okay,” She smiled at me and then looked straight at Dan. “Dan!” She embraced him too, which was quite comical as she’s so much shorter than him.

“Speaking of people who aren’t here, where’s Dad?” I asked jumping onto the counter.

My mom ceased making the hot chocolate and frowned, “Did he not tell you?” She asked, capping the milk that she’d just poured into a sauce pan.

I scrunched my eyebrows together, “Tell me what?” I asked skeptically.

“You’re dad, he had to go on a business trip, I thought he would’ve at least called you to tell you.” She mumbled.

“Are you fucking serious?” I jumped off the counter. “We’ve had this visit planned since fucking August! We even got Cat to fly down here, the whole family was going to be together. He knows this was a big deal to all of us.” I slammed my fist on the counter, making the milk in the jug ripple. “I even hauled my fucking boyfriend down here so he could meet him properly! I thought we worked things out why would he fucking do this?” I ran my hand through my hair, knocking the gray beanie I was wearing onto the hardwood flooring. “I cannot believe he did this.” I huffed angrily, the ‘f’ word coming out of my mouth more in one moment of dialogue than it has every day this week put together.

“Dan, honey would you give us a minute?” My mom smiled at him.

He pulled me into him and kissed me on top of the head, I guess I already blew the whole coming out to my mom, no need to hide it anymore. “It’ll be okay.” He whispered before disappearing into the den.

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