Chapter 25

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I angrily whispered the lyrics to the song that was screaming in my ears so loud I would probably suffer from hearing loss but that wasn’t important right now. I kept bumping into people but instead of giving them my usual socially awkward apology I glared.

So basically, I’m being the biggest bitch ever at the moment.

I finally made it to the place I was headed for after many stepped on shoes and angry scowls from strangers. I ripped out my headphones with a yank, leaving a ringing in my ears as a result of the too loud music, and walked over to the counter, a guy with a tattooed neck and plugs raised his eyebrow at me curiously.

“Can I help you?” He asked, eyebrow still raised.

“I need a tattoo.” I grumbled trying to relax my face from the angry one I had on.

The man chuckled and shook his head, “I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

I growled, “Is Lucy here, let me talk to Lucy.”

He called her name and she appeared out from the back, tattoo gun in hand and a puzzled look on her face.

“I’m with a customer, what is it?” She asked scrunching her pierced eyebrow together with her other one.

“This chick is asking for you by name.” He pointed at me and tapped his pen against a stack of papers.

We all stared at each other in an awkward silence.

“I’ll be done in like 10 minutes, chairs are right there.” She pointed to some chairs next to a large window that shown light in throughout the store reflecting off of picture frames and the full length mirror on the other side of the room, I sat right across from it, staring at my own reflection as I tapped my foot.

After the said amount of time she came back out, with an older looking man who was smiling and admiring his new tattoo, I couldn’t tell what it was but he seemed excited about it so I smiled, I always liked knowing the story behind tattoos, they never seem to disappoint. The man left with the door bells jingling, the guy, Matt, as I heard the guy who left call him (he must be a regular customer) was eyeing me still.

“Well, well, well, didn’t expect to see you anytime soon.” She smiled, “Can I see the tattoo?” She asked, I turned around, luckily I had worn a tank top that exposed it. “Aw man, it turned out really good.” She praised herself as she moved my hair back into place and I agreed with her.

“Glad you think so because I want another.” I turned back around.

“Any ideas?” She sat down and crossed her legs in a figure 4.

“Well,” I searched my brain for a second, “no.”

“Well, what made you decide to come down here today?” She asked.

“Well,” I decided to keep the pattern of ‘well’ going. “You know how I used to live in the Idaho right?” She nodded, “one of the reasons I accepted the job here was because I really just wanted to get away from my dad, and all of his shit. My mom decided it would be fun to come visit me here in London, it was going alright but my dad and I just got into a huge fight and I left my apartment, and here I am.” She pursed her lips.

“So, I guess you could say that you’ve turned London into your home, more than Idaho was?”

That was a weird way of interpreting what I said, but I guess she was right so I nodded as she got up and got a sketch pad, “what if,” she didn’t finish her sentence and stuck her tongue out focusing on the page, she had her phone in her hand glancing at it every once and a while.

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