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Introducing the twins to the marauders was hilarious, the red heads got down on their knees and bowed like they were worshipping Gods much to the hilarity of Harry and Draco, who laughed at the shock looked on the adults face. Harry explained what had happened and Sirius' admitted to being impressed that they not only found the map, but they managed to gain access to it. He and Remus happily told the twins some of their best pranks and the twins did the same, all six of them laughing at some of the things they had all done. Fred and George left looking a little star-struck when they were welcomed back anytime, and Harry didn't know whether to be concerned that he had introduced the four of them properly or excited.

Harry quizzed his father and uncle on the spells of the map because he was going to make his own and add the shortcuts and everything he knew about the castle, he also had an idea on linking the map to viewing and listening spells which could be put on the portraits. Once he had a list of the spells he left to study the map, he was finished with his homework and Draco was studying with Theo and Blaise, helping the pair out with the latest Herbology Harry sat on his bed, with his curtains drawn and Aressa around his neck, and opened the man, scouring it for every detail that it had. He was amazed, there was so much there and the dots of people had Harry's mind automatically wondering what they were doing. Dumbledore seemed to be pacing in his office, Snape looked as if he was brewing and when Harry's eyes glanced on the Defence corridor on their way up to Padfoot and Moony he froze.

Quirinus Quirrell was stated clearly but nearly on top of him was the name 'Tom Marvolo Riddle', Harry frowned in confusion which only deepened when Quirrell moved and the name went with him, Harry had seen that name before and decided he would look in to it. He noted where he would add passageways, noting down the rooms he knew to be there but didn't seem to appear on the map, and how he could link the listening spells. He jotted down a few more notes before settling for sleep, Aressa hissed her goodnight and curled up by his neck.

It turned out he wasn't the only one who had heard the name Riddle, Draco pointed out an award the man had won in the 40's.

"Why did you want to know?"

Harry shrugged and Draco rolled his eyes.

"Well never mind that, guess what I have got my hands on." The blonde pulled out a violin from his trunk and Harry's eyes lit up.


"You read my mind."

The pair were on edge all through dinner so much so that Harry completely blanked James and Rose Potter, which, given the state of their current relationship was quite impressive. He and Draco went to bed early so they could catch a few hours, Harry told Aressa to wake him when the moon was risen which was around half eleven, and when they rose they were alert and ready. The raven head cast his masking spell on him and Draco and told the blonde to cast the spell 'calor conspectu' at his temple.

"This is completely strange." He muttered prodding Harry, who just looked like a red/orange outline in the Slytherin dorms.

"Yeah it's a bit disconcerting but come on."

They walked out and headed to the third floor, Harry was constantly checking the map but they were lucky. When they reached the Cerberus' room, Draco began to play the first thing that came to his mind, the blond was amazing and a beautiful tune floated through the room immediately sending the Cerberus to sleep. Harry levitated the paw of the trap door and jumped, the music stopped and Draco came flying down behind him as the Cerberus growled, they landed on a plant that started to wrap around their limbs.

"Devil snare." Draco hissed and Harry lit a fire to release them, he cancelled the masking spell as they got up.

"Not particularly difficult." Harry pointed out as they went down the corridor, they entered a room which had loads of flying keys, and Harry didn't even bother to fly on the broom to search for the right one. He placed his hand on the door and sent a pulse of magic through it, it clicked open and they walked in to a huge room.

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