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"You don't really have amnesia do you?" 

The pale haired boy raised an eye brow at the faceless man that sat across him and tilted his head.

"Nope, so how did you figure it out?"

The faceless man smiled and chuckled," Come now ,it's not like you were trying to hide it."

Killua shrugged nonchalantly," Yeah, you are right, It was more of Nezu's secret, I'm actually surprised no one noticed, it actually lasted longer than I thought it would."

"Did you want it to be out in the open?" The super villain asked, mildly amused.

"I didn't really care." Killua answered honestly, opening the soda All For One offered him.

"So what's so special about your past that the principal wanted to cover up?" The older asked, leaning back in his seat.

"Don't know, I have amnesia remember?"

All For one chuckled," This isn't really the time to throw jokes, Killua."

The cat eyed boy shrugged," Nothing special really, I was a sheltered child and grew up in a mountain. My family was kinda obsessed with me and wouldn't let me out of their grasp, I got tiered of it, eventually." He snorted slightly, a self satisfied smirk crawling on his face" So I ran away when I was twelve."

All For One  looked underwhelmed," That's it?"

"Not exactly, I might've done some illegal things here and there, then I ran into Eraser Head then ended up eventually in UA."

A smile crawled on All For One's face," So they tried to give you a second chance, huh?"

Killua waved his hand around," Something like that, so enough with the insignificant stuff and down to business. What is your  quirk?"

"You certainly don't beat around the bush,  do you?"

"Never been my style but it sure look like it is something you are good at, so hurry it up big guy."

"It allows me to steal and give quirks." the older male stated.

The pale haired boy's eyes open wide," You can collect and distribute quirks?"

"Yes I can, but don't worry I'm only in need of brute power quirks, you are powerful but your power came from training, practice and experience so it's useless to me."

Killua looked around the containers in the room," So the Nomu-"

"That is correct, I install the quirks I want in them."

Killua narrowed his eyes at the man in front of him," How many do you have exactly?"

"Not as many as I would like." he vaguely said.

"For how long have you been collectin-"

"Ever since quirks started appearing , but it has been a while since I stocked up on them."

For the first time since he arrived, the pale haired boy faltered in his composure. Hope and expectation filled him as he looked down at the drink in his hand. The plan to deceive the league by joining it  shattering as a certain thought came into his mind. He wasn't originally planning to join the league of villains but now he found himself considering the option.

"A quirk collector huh?"

The faceless man leaned against his fist with a sly smirk decorating his face. He noticed the change in the domineer  of the pale haired boy and was interested in it.

//Blink //(HxH xbnha crossover)Where stories live. Discover now