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"Finally,my brain can't take anymore of this torture."Kaminari said,dropping on the couch in Yaoyorozu's living room. Mina nodded in agreement,"Yeah,this is harder than I thought."

Yaoyorozu frowned,"Really?But I made sure to explain it as simply as I could."

"It's not like that!You are an awesome tutor."Kaminari and Mina said,sitting up straight.Ojiro smiled at the ravenette,"It's just that people can't go on for hours without a break."

Momo sighed in relief,"I'm so glad.If you guys are not understanding anything then let me know okay?"


"So Killua,that little girl said that her name is Aizawa."Sero said,changing the subject.

The pale haired boy shoved a macaroon in his mouth,"That's because she is Aizawa's daughter."he simply said with out skipping a beat.

His classmates gasped,"And she called you,Big Brother."Mina wryly stated.

"That's because he is my big brother."Eri said,entering the room with the twins.

"I don't understand?You are Aizawa's-"

"No,he is not.But he lives with us."The little girl answered,struggling to climb on the couch next to Killua.The pale haired boy helped her up,putting her next to him.

"I'm still lost,you are not Aizawa's son and you live with them?"Ojiro asked,Killua simply shrugged still chewing on the cookie in his mouth.

"Big Brother has am-am,amnel-"She struggled to pronounce the word,no matter haw many times she tries it,for some reason she could never get it right.The older male next to her smiled and patted her head.

"It's amnesia, Eri"He said,picking up a second macaroon.

Eri nodded,"Yeah ,what he said."

His classmates looked at him sympathetically which mildly amused him.He couldn't care less,this was his cover story after all,it was made to be heard,it was impressive he even kept it from them for this long,the semester was almost over and they still don't know a thing about him.

"Really?I had no idea."Jiro said, her tone apologetic.She didn't like prying into people's lives,especially some one as intense as her white haired classmate,she wanted to stay clear of it.

"That's because I didn't tell you but don't worry about it.I live with Aizawa because I can't remember where I came from, so the police decided to let me stay with him for a while."

Eri smiled,"He is my Big Brother,but I'm not his little sister.He doesn't have a little sister."She said,making the pale haired boy glance down at her.

His classmates couldn't figure her out,seeing how close she was to Killua the information should have made her upset,but she didn't look sad in the slightest.

"Actually, I do have a little sister."

The little girl snapped her head towards him ,vermilion eyes opened wide,"You do?"

Killua nodded,munching on his cookie,"You remind me of her so much, actually."

Eri blinked a smile gracing her face,"Do you remember her?What is she like?"she asked,eager to learn more about him.

"Her name is Alluka,she has long black hair and blue eyes.She is two years younger than me.She is cheerful and bubbly and makes a lot of demands.I'm sure you would like her."He said.

"Wow!If she is your sister then she must be pretty."The pale haired girl gushed,making him nod and chuckle.

"She is."

//Blink //(HxH xbnha crossover)Where stories live. Discover now