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"Are you sure you want to do this Alluka?"Killua sighed

"Yeah I am. I really wanna be a hunter,just like you." she smiled then reached out and kissed his cheek,"I'll see you later, okay?"

Killua frowned, but reluctantly let her go."yeah see you later."

Still smiling Alluka walked over to the airship and waved.

He sighed watching the airship take off ,keeping his eyes on it untill it turned into a small dot in the sky.He reminded himself that there is nothing to worry about, and that he took care of everything his sister would need as he tried to soothe his jumpy nerves.

'Alluka wanted this, besides Bisky will be watching over her . I've got nothing to worry about'

He silently turned around and made his way out of the airport and dropped his skateboard as he slowly made his way back to the hotel.

It was very sudden and out of the blue.He didn't know what made her want it so badly .She just woke up one day and she apparently wanted to be a hunter, of course he refused at first and it took months of convincing on her part but here he was going back to the hotel after sending Alluka off .He suddenly felt his loneliness crushing down on him ,it has almost been a year since he last talked to Gon and now Alluka is away too . Killua sighed pausing on his way to get a juice box and look around the city trying to decide what to do now .
He needed something to kill his time with , to take his mind off his solitude ,after  getting used to Alluka's company and having her voice fill the silence for the past three years .The quite air felt heavy even with the busy street around him .
Killua skated slowly sipping from his juice box, he sighed yet again and closed his eyes for a moment trying to fill the silense by the voices blaring in the street, but sadly all he could hear was silence.

'Man I'm going crazy and it hasn't even been an hour yet.'

He tensed up when he opened his eyes to find himself in a place he has never seen before. His sapphire blue eyes darted around the unfamiliar room to realise that he has company.

Two men stood in front of him . One was sitting on a chair behind a metal desk and the other was standing a bit further behind his stance wide and defencive. Killua immediately activated his En and relaxed a bit when he found no Nen users in a 50 meter radius . He concluded that the building he was in was a police stations from its structure and returned his gaze to the men in front of him . Both black haired men kept their sharp eyes on him
the sitting one's hand was reaching for his gun ,which was in the holster in his coat.
The  one who was standing clutched his grey scarf tightly as he kept his glowing red eyes on Killua.

The younger male didn't move a finger as he slurped his juice loudly ,his mind trying to figure out how he got here . It was obvious the other two weren't expecting him. Killua sighed crushing his now empty juice box in his fist.

"What the hell?!"

//Blink //(HxH xbnha crossover)Where stories live. Discover now