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"Killua! Thank goodness you are okay!"Bisky cried out, relief evident in her voice.

"Big Brother! you need to issue an order!"  Alluka said at the same time as the blonde, her blue eyes wide and frantic.

Killua was next to her in an instant his eyes running over her body frantically," Alluka, are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened?" he asked, voice panic stricken over the scratches and cuts that were all over his little sister.

"It's not the time for that, Big Brother! You need to help Gon!"

"Your psychotic brothers, that's what!" Alluka and Bisky said simultaneously.

Aizawa watched the commotion, his hand loosening around his scarf as he assessed the situation. His obsidian eyes darted to a certain greenette that was unconscious on the ground and turned to Ectoplasm who stood next to him.

"Someone is injured, we need to get Recovery girl in here!" he ordered.

Somehow Killua ended up hearing Aizawa's word's more clearly than the words his sister and mentor uttered, his blue eyes snapping to glance at the boy on the ground.


"Big Brother! Call out on Nanika! He is dying!"

True to her words, the greenette was laying still on the ground without moving a muscle, bleeding a great deal from the hole in his stomach. His usually tan face was turning into an ashy grey and his usually lively hazel eyes were dull and losing colour with each passing moment.

Alluka was right, he was dying and there was no way Recovery Girl would be able to heal him.

The realization sent a surge of panic down over Killua's body, seeing his best friend on the verge of death wasn't something he ever wanted to experience ever again. It left a very sour taste in his mouth.

"Nanika, wake up!" he ordered, voice guff with memories he wanted to never remember. He would think later he figured, when his friend wasn't dying.

Hearing his words Alluka's face turned pale, as pale as white sheets of paper, her eyes and mouth turned pitch black. Her endless black eyes stared at the pale haired boy and her black mouth turned into a smile.

"Killua, I missed you." She uttered in a very dry voice as the pale haired boy approached her taking her hands in his.

"I'm sorry I've been gone for a while." he said, leading her to where his friend lay a few feet away from them.

"It's okay." Nanika said, happy to be reunited with Killua.

He crouched down next to him, pulling her along with him, she followed his lead  without objecting. Picking up his friend's hand he passed it over to her in an action that felt all too familiar. 

He hated that familiarity.

"Nanika," he swallowed," Please save Gon." he said, with his voice lowered, it was so low that even Bisky who was standing a few feet away couldn't hear him clearly.

" 'kay." was all Nanika said.

Nanika reached out to hold Gon's hand in hers, tightening her clasp around it before starting to heal his wounds.

Everything about the ordeal felt nostalgic, the bright light that illuminated her surroundings, the change in the atmosphere, all of it felt all too familiar. He had felt it time and time again and the pale haired boy didn't like the feeling.  

Killua expertly caught his limp little sister the moment she finished, his hair shadowing his eyes. Even if it was to save his friend, he felt awful for using Nanika like a tool, he didn't like doing it. 

//Blink //(HxH xbnha crossover)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu