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"Oh man, why was I dragged into this too?" Dabi complained.

"You were introduced to the league by Giran weren't you?" Twice snapped, attacking him in disbelief.

Dabi raised a brow," Why does that matter?" he asked, dodging an attack.

Killua sighed," You are one to talk, I don't even know what this Giran dude looks like." he said, pulling his taser and stabbing it into his arm and using it on himself.

He had to think quickly. Bisky and the others were going to start the raid on hospital in any moment. He was supposed to stay with the league until the raid is over. Now that he think about it, his situation wasn't totally bad. As long as the league members were preoccupied then they won't be able to back the doctor up. But as long as the doctor was keeping an eye on the league then he won't get out of the lab which is going to make the operation more tricky.

He sighed. Bisky would know how to handle it.

"Someone is coming." he said.

All the members of the league raised their guard, ready to attack.

"Stop! I have been sent to guide you!" the man said," If you'd like to the leaders of the liberation army then please come with me."

Killua narrowed his eyes at the man. Wasn't this the man that Alluka and Bakugou were suspicious of?

Slidin' Go?

Looks like his sister has some sharp instincts. Her suspicion was well placed.

"A hero?" Spinner said," One that I don't know..." he said.

"Don't worry, Spinner. It's kinda normal if you don't recognize small time heroes." Killua said tucking his taser in his pocket," His name is Slidin' Go. He doesn't usually patrol around here. "

Slidin' Go didn't look bothered," It seems like you are well informed. Please follow me." he said starting to walk down the hill.

After walking in silence for a few moments they reached the outskirt of Deika city, but just before they walked deep into the town Killua abruptly stopped.

Toga raised a brow," Killua? What's wrong?" she asked," Let's go."

Her words made the others pause in their tracks to turn and look at the pale haired boy.

Killua shrugged, "If you wanna be ambushed by...I don't know hundreds of people then be my guest. There is no way I'm gonna walk further inside." he said.

Shigaraki hummed," So this entire city, huh?" he asked.

"Well I think so, well I most of the residents at least. Not to mention that they are monitoring all of our moves through cameras." Killua said nonchalantly, his sapphire blue eyes staring directly into a surveillance camera." I don't know, it's probably a bad idea to go in, we don't even know if this Giran dude is even here."

" I see..." Shigaraki said, staring into the empty town.

"It is as you suspected." A new voice said.

Slidin' Go bowed a perfect ninety degree in respect up on hearing the voice.

"This is Deika city." a man walking towards them ,followed closely by a woman said," 90% of the residents here, heroes included are members of the liberation army. It is a liberated area as to speak."

Killua rolled his eyes," Liberated, huh? You really are into this liberation thing." he muttered.

"Hey ain't that the leader of the Shinkyuu party?" Mr. Compress said.

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