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"Sorry but we don't serve idiots."Satsuki Kendo said as Killua helped Eri onto the stool,the pale haired boy sent her a sharp smile."Good thing there are none around here."

The comment earned him a smack with a serving trey,he made a simple sound of disapproval as Eri let out a  hearty laugh.

"Now now Suki don't be so hard on him."

"Yeah,you tell her Mrs Kendo!"

"Shut it before-"


"Mom!he threw the match!The freaking final match!"

"That was his choice."

The brunette groaned exasperatedly,"He could have won the whole tournament,first place and what did he do?Withdraw!What kind of an idiot does that?"

The older woman chuckled,putting a plate of red velvet cake in front of the pale haired boy,"I admit that it was indeed foolish ,but it was his own decision I suppose.Stop whining,he must be tiered after all that fighting."

Suki snorted,"Yeah right,he didn't even break a sweat.Just look at at him."

"Sheesh Suki,you are going to give yourself wrinkles if you keep complaining.I only withdrew because it was one of of Eri's rules."

"That's right,I told him to."

"What are you?Some kind of lap dog?You should have just won the damn thing!"

"I made a freaking deal ,okay!?"He said shoving his fork in his mouth angrily.

"Yeah with a kid!"

"She refused to train on her quirk control."

"Because you told a five year old girl to meditate!"

"Hey!I am six!"Eri said offended.

"Because it is the most effective way!"Killua glowered,ignoring the little girl.

"Yeah,for you!Kids love playing around, not meditating!" 

At this point they were breathing down each others neck and Eri was laughing happily next to them.


Killua and Suki childishly huffed and returned to minding their own business when they heard Mrs Kendo's outburst.

The pale haired boy had a small scowl on his face as he ate his dessert in silence,he frowned when Suki huffed to herself again as she cleaned the clean counter.It was obvious she was the most upset he threw his match,and he didn't understand why.

Satsuki Kendo wasn't personally into heroics she was more into baking and cooking,but she have seen how much her little sister looked forward to the festival and how much she obsessed over it for the thing for two weeks.Seeing Killua casually throw away what her sister wanted so badly infuriated her beyond belief.

She personally liked Killua,he was a regular customer,he is witty ,sarcastic and laid back.He is a responsible dude and paid attention to what they were saying even if he came off as an aloof and uncaring boy.He always complemented her baking and always came back for more.She didn't want to be angry at him,but she just couldn't help her protective sister instincts.

She felt personally offended that he threw the match,no wonder Itsuka didn't drop by on her way home.This must have been a serious blow to her ego. Satsuki didn't participate and she still felt her ego receiving some damage.

"That was amazing!"Killua happily said pushing his empty plate away.

The older Kendo smiled heartily,"Thank you dear."

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