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"Ibara, Tetsutetsu, let's team up."

They both snapped their heads toward him."Team up?"

He nodded,"Yeah I want you both on my team."

Ibara Shiozaki frowned,"It makes sense why you chose him but you don't know a thing about me."

"Maybe,but your quirk is both offense and defense and this game isn't about how much we know each other its about how willing we are to work together,What do you say?"

Shiozaki and Tetsutetsu shared a glance, they would be fools if they let this opportunity slip by them. Tetsutetsu grinned,

"Let's do this!"

Killua smiled in satisfaction,"Great, stay here,I will go get our other teammate."

With that he turned and bolted,with a certain destination in mind,he knew what he wanted in his team,the qualities he wanted and he knew who had them.

"Don't bother making your own team,you are coming with me."

Hitoshi Shinso tensed up when he felt Killua's hand on his shoulder,"Why w-"

"I have seen what you could do,if you use your quirk on this round then you will be giving out clues to everyone,which will be a disadvantage when you make it to the next round."Hitoshi balled his fists,narrowing his eyes at the cat eyed boy.

"If I don't show my power on this round and Not pass on to the next then I won't get a chance to make it to -"

"Relax, this will be an easy round,and honestly,everyone will be watching for the 10 million points,no one will glance at you now, think about it ,the tournament is  your best shotcome on  let go, we are wasting time."

Shinso sighed following the pale haired boy towards the other two.They were all from the hero course but not from 1-A it amused him to an extent.

"This is Hitoshi Shinso from general studies,he will be our rider."

Shiozaki and Tetsutetsu  frowned,"Our rider?"

Killua nodded,"I can almost see how this match would go,most students will stick into groups from their homeroom class and 85% of the students,which means around 10 teams from 12 will go after team Midoriya, it will be a scramble for the 10 million point headband."

Shinso Shiozaki and Tetsutetsu listened carefully to what the scholarship student had to say,he was predicting what will happen next.

"If you really think about it the next highest score will be below 2000 points,and if I have to guess I would say that around a quarter of the teams will pass to the next round,so our goal will be to score at least 1150 points and come out on third place,we are worth 630 together now and that's a good head start.We will just defend our points for the first half of the game,then collect points on the second."

Killua paused glancing at his team,"Tetsutetsu will be the front horse ,he will be focusing on defense only. Ibara and I will be the side wings,we will switch between offense and defense based on the situation. Hitoshi will be our rider he will keep an eye on our headbands."

"Right,lets talk quirks,mine is steel,I can make my body as hard as steel."Tetsutetsu said.

"Mine is vines,I can grow my hair and manipulate it however I want."

"I can produce electricity ."Killua said and his eyes met with Shinso's before he continued,"That's all we need to know,Hitoshi's ability will stay a secret,we don't need to know it."

"Sorry, but that isn't gonna work."

Killua blinked a bit surprised,"Tetsutetsu..."

"I just can't let him be our rider without knowing what his ability is."

//Blink //(HxH xbnha crossover)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora