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Killua's POV

"Anyone willing to explain to me what the hell is going on?!"

The red eyed tired looking man bliked and his eyes turned black but still stayed on me."I could ask you the same thing kid. Where the hell did you even come from?"

I raised a brow "YorkNew city " I said tucking my hands in my pockets. My eyes flickered to the sitting man who eased his hand away from hif gun . Seeing that they are from the police and that they obviously don't know why I'm here, I decided that there is no reason for violence.

Tiered guy raised both his eye brows in surprise, "New York?!"

I tilted my head in confusion.  "I've never heard anyone pronouncing it that way but okay."

The sitting guy ,who has yet to speak looked confused."Really? I have never heard of it being pronounced backwards and I've been there." I eyed them suspiciously taking out the receipt I received from the airport ,"That's impossible YorkNew is the international name."I said passing them the paper. The sitting guy glanced at the paper and frowned . His face showed distress clearly as he passed the paper to the other guy.

"I think I will need you to answer some important questions, kid."

He gestured for me to take the interrogation chair ,I reluctantly took it after shoving my skateboard under it.

"First of all what is your name?"

I took notice of the strange letters he scribbled down on his notebook as I answered "Killua Zoldyck"

"Do you have any identifications on you, Zoldyck? "

"I do have my Hunter licence, oh and call me Killua." I said sliding my licence across the table. The man glanced at it and yet again passed it to the other guy.

"So a Hunter's licence? Huh?
So what is this licence supposed to do?"

I immediately tensed up,my eyes narrowing. Who the hell are those people? Police men who doesn't even know what a hunter license is used for?

My eyes darkened as I shot out of my chair. My already sharpened handes snaking around the man's throat.

"Looks like I misjudged you guys ,you've got five seconds to start explaining before I rip your throat."

I threatened lowly, the guy swallowed thickly, his terrified obsidian eyes bored into mine.

"Wait, we are trying to figure that out !"he shouted in panic.

"Look, we were just questioning a criminal one second and on the next you are sitting on his place, he had a short range teleportation quirk that only works for about ten meters."

The tiered guy said eyeing my sharp hand warily,"Look lets all calm down and talk this through alright."

I scoffed "No way in hell. Policemen who doesn't even know what a hunter's licence is?! Tch unheared of. Im not willing to compromise my safety by sitting around with you . How about we start by you telling me our exact location?" The man took a deep breath  calming  his racing pulse. He didn't hesitate as he answered, huh smart guy he probably realised I will crush his neck if he didn't.


"The international name!Big guy"

"That is the international name!"he said

Confusion swirled in my head as sweat started to form on my face.

"Bullshit, there is no country named Japan."

The tiered guy stepped forward holding his phone up,"Here you can check out the digital map if you want just don't break my phone."

I narrowed my eyes at him,eyeing the device in suspension, "Just so you know it will only take me 0.3 seconds to crush his windpipe so trade wisely, I will kill him the moment I feel threatened. "

//Blink //(HxH xbnha crossover)Where stories live. Discover now