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"That bastard,I'll just have to track him down myself."Killua muttered, walking over the nomu's body.

"Todoroki!"he called making the boy jump slightly,even with his blood lust gone the pale haired boy was still terrifying.


"You should freeze the body before any kind of evidence disappear."


The pale haired boy took notice of his decaying shirt for the first time and sighed,"Hey Eijiro, mind asking Yaoyurozu for a spare shirt?The bastard ruined this one."

The red head snapped out of his daze and ran up to where the rest of class was waiting.


"You should save your breath big guy, you are losing blood,"Killua gave him a cold side glance,"And you are almost out of time."

Almight and Midoriya tensed up simultaneously,"Ho-"

"Young Bakugo ,you and  Young Todoroki should head back to the rest of the class."The boys reluctantly nodded and obeyed.

Killua shoved his yo-yo in his pockets his mind whirling and racing to process the new information he has learned.

Almight turned to the white haired boy once his classmates were out of earshot,"How long have you known,Killua."

"Not long really, it was only a theory ,I only confirmed it yesterday when you bolted out of class, you really need to work on your concealment skills,they suck."

Midoriya was panicking too much he couldn't even utter a word.

"It doesn't really matter to me , I don't care if your power is depleting or if you are dying. Cheers!!Do your thing.You should probably join the rest of the class Izuku,staying here is suspicious."

 Killua started walking towards the rest of the class,the villains he passed by cowered away, not even wanting to be in his line of sight,even without his malice,Killua was plenty terrifying.The pale haired boy saw Kirishima run up to him with a black shirt at hand.

He grinned at his white haired classmate,his red eyes shining with new found admiration,"Good work out there,you were so manly!" he said. Killua scoffed,"That wasn't good at all,I let my anger get the best of me and I attacked Chrono with blind rage,I should have went for the portal guy to trap them here till reinforcement arrives, if anything my work was reckless and sloppy."

"Not really when you think about it, we are just students after all.No one expected us to fight villains made to fight Almight on the freaking third day of school,Given the circumstances I think you handled the situation pretty well."

The pale haired boy faltered in his steps,realising that what Kirishima was right,in this world he was not a hunter or an assassin, he was nothing more than a first year hero-course student, with a bit too much control over his 'quirk'.No one expects him to go into life threatening trips or on assassination missions.He was nothing but a 15 years old with 'amnesia'.

"Oh look it's Midoriya."

Killua didn't bother to look up at Almight's successor as Kirishima waved enthusiastically. Midoriya joined them with a timid smile and a wry glance at the white haired boy who took off the remains of his costume,revealing his scar-littered back.The red head and the greenette tensed up, even if they saw the scars as they changed to and from their uniform,the scars were not easy to look at.

"I should probably ask for a new one,I probably could use a darker shade of red."Killua muttered,looking down at his costume in disappointment.

He slipped his newly made black shirt, it was loose , the size was a number or two larger but didn't look like it was swallowing the boy. Killua tried to tame his static hair with his red hair tie and his black mask in a haste, it didn't help much but it was at least better.

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