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The pale haired boy grinned down at his chocolate bar unwrapping it he entered his class just to see that he was not the first to arrive. Bakugo was there before him.Shrugging for himself he turned back to his bar and started munching.

"Nothing better than starting your day with sweets."he muttered

"Huh, the hell are you mumbling!?"

He ignored Bakugo's inquiry as he sat down at his spot.

"Oi ,don't ignore me!"

Killua glanced at the explosive blonde,then turned back to his sweets totally ignoring his existence, before Bskugo could protest, Yaoyorozu and Iida arrived.

"Good morning everyone!"Iida greeted making the pale haired boy grinned in agreement, munching at his second bar."Its good alright."he cheered happily nothing was going to ruin this day.

Iida pushed his glasses up his nose,"You seem to be in a good mood today." Killua just munched at his 'breakfast'.

Iida turned his attention to Todoroki and greeted him just to receive a cold nod as a reply ,Iida made it his job to greet all his classmates until class started. Today was a normal day , Aizawa didn't pull any stunts at homeroom, Yamada was as loud as ever in English, Math with Ectoplasm was a breeze to Killua and Nemuri was as wiered as ever in Japanese studies but he was able to get what the lessons meant and finally it was time for lunch.

The pale haired teen tucked his hands behind his head as he made his way to the cafeteria, his lunch was mainly consisting of dessert but it made no difference to him he sat at an empty table.

"........the students from section A are nothing but egotistical brats who thinks they are better than us. Just look at them , they are not hero material." A blonde boy with blue eyes said as he and his friends sat next to Killua .

"Wow, that's rich." Killua said not even looking up from his meal.

Neito Mononma raised his eyebrow,"Excuse me?"

The pale haired boy's gaze flickered to him ,"I meant the flavor."

Rolling his eyes,Monoma turned back to bad mouthing class one A, without being bothered by Killua's amused gaze. Neito continued speaking as if he knew the behavior of each student in the pale haired boy's class at some point Killua chuckled in amusement.

"Man you must be a good judge of character, Its amazing how much you know. You are not even in our class, yet you sound like you have known us your entire life." The pale haired boy gave him a thumbs up,"Total hero material."

The girl next to Monoma snickered behind her hand at Neito's shocked face.  

"I knew I've seen you somewhere before. You are the only one I've seen using the uniform's tie as a hair band." she said with an easy smile, she had her orange hair in a side ponytail, her green eyes shined with amusement. Killua wrinkled his nose,"Yeah I literally have to drag my feet to put this thing on as it is, there is no way I am wearing the tie."

The girl laughed lightly,"I know right?The designer had no taste st all."

"Kendo!Why are you talking to him?He is from 1-A."

Killua and Kendo ignored him ,"And you can't even change the design even if it is with the same colour."

"No way I was hoping I could do that, but didn't get around asking since it is only the second day."

"I asked Aizawa but he said something about it being against the school policy."

Kendo animatedly cried,"you mean I will wear this thing for the next three years of my life?" Killua patted her back comfortingly,"That was my reaction too, but hey I found a loophole."he said pointing at his hair."Since you have a ponytail you can do it too."

//Blink //(HxH xbnha crossover)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang