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Manga Spoilers ahead!


"Today is the day!" Toga dramatically declared, pointing her knife at Killua," I'll make you bleed today for sure."

The pale haired boy rolled his eyes," Right." he said not even taking a stance to defend against her," By the way, you know I left my card with you guys for a reason right? You don't need to keep my hoodie." he complained, twisting out of her knives range.

"Your movements gets dull if your body is too cold, y'know." she said, slashing at him," Plus I like your hoodie, it looks cute on me." she said.

He deadpanned," That's not the point." he said exasperatedly.

Toga didn't look affected, trying to land a cut on him.

Killua sighed," You should try keeping your movements limited." he advised," If you wanna land a hit on me then you should minimize your swings. Stop failing your hands and you might scratch me."

"Thanks for the tip." she said, pausing a moment and turning to look at where Gigantomachia and Shigaraki were fighting.

"He fell asleep." Killua said noticing that the tremors that were shaking the ground have stopped.

Toga tucked her knife back in it's place with an audible 'humph'. Picking up the first aid kit, they made their way through the woods to where Shigaraki and the others are catching their breath.

"Is Tomura still alive?" she asked as they approached the said man.

Killua tucked his freezing fingers in his pockets, raising a brow at the injured and exhausted man.

"Shigaraki, It's been weeks, if you keep this going it's not gonna turn out to be good." he said," I can put him to sleep temporarily if you need a few extra hours of rest."

Sigaraki panted," His movements are getting much slower." he said," Compared to the beginning we've gotten way closer. I swear I'm gonna make that gorilla kneel before me."

"Whatever you say, man." Killua said," Just let me know when you hit your limit, alrigh-"

The pale haired boy abruptly stopped speaking, his neck snapping towards the cloudy winter sky. In a flash, he jumped to a tree branch and squinted at the sky as if trying to pin point something. His actions and stiffness alerted the others.

"What is it?" Shigaraki asked, his ruby red eyes peeking from between his blue hair strands.

Killua frowned, "Someone is watching us." he said.

He was confused. Today was the day to raid the hospital and the commission only knows that he has already located the league and not the specific location. He was sure no one was following him so that was out of question too. He immediately checked if there were any tackers placed on his body but found none.

He didn't suspect anyone other than the commission to track him.

"What?!" Sister Magne snapped.

"Are you sure?" Shigaraki asked his eyes tiered focusing.

"Definitely." Killua said jumping off of the branch," but I don't think they are watching us directly."

A tense silence fell on the group, only to be cut by  Twice's phone ringing. The ringing tone was loud  in the silence and it seemed to echo in their ears.

Twice pulled his pone out of his pocket and glanced at the caller ID.

"Who is it?" Shigaraki asked.

//Blink //(HxH xbnha crossover)Where stories live. Discover now