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"Hmm," Eri hummed with a serious expression on her face as she stared at the man in front of her. 

"Well?" Aizawa asked.

Eri turned to look at the pale haired boy that patiently waited for her decision with her on his lap, she then looked back to the older man.

"No, I don't care." She said with a smile, happily snuggling into her brother's chest.

"Are you sure? He is your only blood relative." Killua asked, gently stroking her head.

"Why would I need a blood relative when I have you and Alluka?" she merrily asked," Besides, that dude kept sleeping when Overhaul was around, he didn't stop him. So I don't care about him. Also I am Eri Aizawa now, so there is no point." she cheerfully said with a happy smile that didn't match her words.

"But what if Overhaul did that to him? Hm?" Killua asked.

"Did what?" she asked.

"Put him in a coma."

Eri paused a bit and silence filled the room for a moment before she slowly shook her head," No I still don't care. I never met that guy and I don't want to meet him." she said hesitantly.

Killua patted her on her head, tapping her slightly long horn," Well you don't need to worry about him right now. Your grand father is still in a coma so you still have time to think about your decision. We just wanted to ask because you can rewind him to his original state if you want to see him."

"No, I'm pretty happy with my life right now." she said.

Killua smiled fondly," I'm glad." he said picking the little girl up and walking out of the room after shrugging at Aizawa.

November was almost over. Everyone was back from their work studies, not that may of them were able to find one anyway. Bakugou, Todoroki, Kirishima, Uraraka, Tsu, Midoriya and Killua. They were the only ones that managed to find work studies and everyone was finally done with them.

The hero Public safety commission covered up most of what happened to the Shie Hassaikai quietly and they did not bring up the fact that Killua had killed Overhaul either. It was expected, the warning had served it's purpose. Killua was more or less satisfied with the results.

What ticked him off was that the news reported that both Alluka and Eri was kidnapped briefly when Soumei Private school was attacked by some unidentified villains and then that they were rescued quickly afterwards. Endeavor was in charge of the case so everyone assumed that he had resuced them.

A hero called Sir Nighteye was in charge of  investigating the complicated underground tunnel network that the Shie Hassaikai and the league of Villains used. Apparently he was in charge of investigating Overhaul and his organization before Killua finished the job for him. Mirio and Midoriya were doing their work studies with him and helped speed things up.

Some other students like Uraraka, Tsu and Kirishinma were also involved in cases that had ties with the Shie Hassaikai. Most of them were only involved with the red bullets and not directly with the yakuza and their work studies were over quickly .

Todoroki who had witnessed Killua threatening Hawks kept his mouth shut and did not bring the fact up for some reason. The pale haired boy didn't bother to figure out his reasons.

The school festival came and went quickly with only minor set backs.

Killua sighed. He was starting to regret accepting the infiltration mission from the hero public safety commission president. Ever since he teamed up with the league to take care of Overhaul, he had been keeping tabs on them and it had been consuming so much of his time.

The members of the League were scattered across Japan and he had made it his job to mark each one of them with his Nen to track them down or kill them of if necessary. The entire process took around three weeks and there was only one member left to mark.

Killua dropped Eri off next to Alluka and threw his jacket over his shoulder .

"You're heading out?" Alluka asked looking up at him from the books scattered in front of her. Yaoyorozu had volunteered to help her with her studies since Alluka didn't know basic Japanese and English. She was improving quickly with the help of her tutor unlike Gon who didn't even try to learn reading the language or even attend classes. Now that he had a  full license, he had no need for it.

"Yup, I have to take care of something." he said taking the headphones coiled around his sister's neck.

"You have been going out a lot recently." Alluka said with a pout.

"Yeah, you are never around anymore." Eri complained nodding next to her.

He smiled at them," Sorry. I'll take you two out somewhere soon to make up for it." he said.

Yaoyorozu tilted her head to the side," You are leaving? The  Pro Hero rankings will be broadcasted soon." she said.

Killua shrugged and pulled his special blue card out of his pocket," Yeah, I'll watch it online or something." he nonchalantly said as he walked over to the dorm's door.

"See you later!" Alluka and Eri said as the door closed.


The pale haired boy narrowed his eyes at his phone as he listened to what Hawks was saying in the ranking ceremony.

Sure Hawks had always been random and carefree but provoking Endeavor on the day he gets ranked as the Number One Hero? That was a bit extreme, even for him.

Killua shrugged and tucked his phone back in his pocket.

He was currently looking for the last member of the League of Villains to mark him with his aura. The drawn out search was getting on his nerves. The tracking mission was taking longer that necessary because he had no leads. He was basically in the dark except for the small hints he collected from Toga and the other members and also some local rumors.

He sighed and half heartedly praised Dabi's skills. Steeling his resolve, he continued his search for the last member he couldn't locate.

It was past noon when he decided to take a break.

Sitting in a fast food joint he took out his phone and started to scroll through what was recent. The ranking ceremony was over but that wasn't what caught his attention. Hawks and Endeavor were meeting up in public.

The current number one and Number two heroes strolling around the city leisurely? It was just asking for attention and trouble.

Hawks was definitely up to something. There was no doubt in Killua's mind.

Ditching his food, the pale haired boy quickly made his way to where the two top heroes were spotted.

When Killua reached his destination, the city was in chaos. People were in panic , they were screaming and running away from something. It was hard to actually pass through the panicked crowed to reach where the commission was happening.

"Hey Kid! Where do you think you are going?!" a police officer asked Killua somehow yanking him into a stop," It isn't safe here, you gotta get out of here!"

Killua looked at the man's insect like eyes and frowned," What's going on?" he asked pulling his now approved hero license out of his pocket.

The police officer narrowed his eyes at the license and pointed at the direction Killua was heading to," Endeavor is fighting one of those genetically engendered monsters from the league." He said.


The officer nodded rapidly, "Yes and it's very strong. It's wrecking havoc around the city. Hawks and the others are evacuating the civilians, you should help them."

Killua nodded," Sure." he said speeding away.

'Setting Endeavor up? What is he up to?'


Here is a new chapter, I hope you enjoy it! 

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