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"Boys,this is Anzu from Shiketsu High,she just graduated."

Tokoyami bowed,"A pleasure to meet you."

Hawks smirked lightly,"she will be sparing with you guys."

Killua blinked,"Two on one?"

"Nope,she will fight you separately,you will go first."

The pale haired boy deadpanned,"Am I now?"

"Of course."

"Do I get to know what her quirk is?"

"The spar will last as long as both of you are standing,Lets go somewhere to watch Tsukuyomi."

'So that's a no'

The pale haired boy sighed,shoving his hands in his pockets,feeling the familiar chill of the metal inside.

"So,can I just sit down if I don't want to spar?"he asked,making the pro stop and chuckle.

"Changed my mind,the spar will last as long as both of you are conscious."

Killua sighed,"Fine by me,no hard feelings ,Anzu."

Anzu just chuckled,pulling her glasses off her face.She had jet black hair and strange grey eyes.She gave the pale haired boy an 'OK' sign with her fingers.

"Start whenever you feel ready."Hawks called from the other side of the large room.

Killua felt dizzy almost instantly and he spread his legs to steady himself up,he was tempted to just let her win and get it done with but he stopped himself his eyes raising to meet her cloudy grey ones,she smiled slightly at him,a daring smile.He snorted shaking the effect of her quirk away as he stood straight again.

She thinks making him feel a little dizzy will  stop him?

No way.

Impressed by the boy,Anzu tried something different making him feel intense pain and dizziness at the same time.It surprised her that all he did was flinch at it a bit. 

The pale haired boy couldn't figure out what her quirk was ,but he still figured that he could just take her out quickly.

He huffed pulling out his Yo-yo ,he swinged it at his opponent precisely at the revenette,the string snaked around him,cancelling whatever her quirk is.

Killua smiled in satisfaction as the awful dizziness stopped,the fog in his brain disappearing.He calmly walked over Anzu who was squirming and fidgeting trying to free herself from the heavy shackles.

His blue eyes met her hazy ones,"Sorry,but your boss said this won't be over until one of us is unconscious."

With a swift chop to the neck,he knocked her out.Her already cloudy eyes turned blank and her body went limp. Killua caught her falling form and lowered her to the ground,his eyes narrowing down at her.

Hawks scoffed,"What's the point of the spar if you are just going to knock her out as soon as it starts?"

"Can you tell me what her quirk is now?"He asked ignoring the remark.

"She is an empath,can feel whatever you are feeling and make you feel whatever she wants."Killua hummed.

'I'll have to keep a close eye on this one.'

The pale haired boy rolled his eyes as his weapon rolled back to his palm,"Well it looks like someone else will have to fight Tsukoyomi."

"No shit!"

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