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Nezu was an intelligent creature. In fact his abnormal intelligence was what separated him from the term ' Animal'. It was what got him his world wide recognition. It was because of his intelligence that he was able to become one of the most important figures in the country.

But even without his intelligence he could tell that the order he received was bad. He knew it was extremely dengerous...it could even be classified suicidal. It had a 100% chance of backlashing. It had more demerit than it's merit. It was simply not worth the risk. His quirk, his instincts as well as every fiber in his body was telling him that he would be in immediate danger if he followed through with it.

He knew from experience that some things were meant to be left alone. To not be touched.

Killua Zoldyck was one of those things.

But even with his protest, even with his position as the principal of the Top Hero School in the country, he could not over run the  unanimous decision of the Association. It was more than a majority vote.

'A majority of ignorant fools', he thought.

He -no matter how influential- was not above the law. He can not go against what was already set in stone. 

He scoffed quietly, his cheerful smile nowhere to be seen. He scolded himself for thinking that entitled politicians would understand how stupid their decision was. They only spend their days behind safe desk, doing paperwork anyway. There was no point in reasoning with them. They had all seen what the pale haired boy said and did to the Public Hero Safety Commission President. Her life was basically in his hands now. They know the risks and still wanted to seize control of his power.

Nezu had no problem with that originally. If the council could seize control over someone like Killua Zoldyck then his other three companions would be easy to handle and the hero society would no longer be under threat, not from the mysterious four Otherworlders nor from the villains. But the problem was that they couldn't, not without meeting the same fate as the Public Hero Safety Commission President.

But entitled politicians did not feel the malice that the pale haired boy held. They were not aware of the threat they were inviting.

He knew from his own experience that messing with Killua only invited disasters. Killua Zoldyck may not be a pacifist, but he will not touch you as long as you don't pock him or jerk him and his friends around. If you lave him alone then he will not harm you.

Killua was like a dormant volcano ever since his arrival. He was a very dangerous entity that had no problem with killing. A very powerful teenage boy that claimed to be the heir to a family of assassins. It was no surprise that the council was threatened by him. He didn't have a quirk, which made it almost impossible for them to suppress him. His skills were top-notch as well.

More over, he didn't appear to be using his power- his Nen- that much. They noticed that he relied on his physical abilities more than his supernatural abilities. He was also immune to poisons and toxins on top of all that his instincts were unparalleled.

He was a phenomenal ticking bomb that threatened to go rogue if they didn't find a way for him to get back to his own world. He was a threat they had to destroy.

But that was all before his friends suddenly appeared in the middle of UA at a random day. Ever since their reunion, he had been at ease. He was not that much of a threat, as long as he had his little sister. She was the reason he was so anxious to get back to his world. He wanted to protect her so he wanted to go back.

Nezu sighed, he didn't seem to understand the logic of the council members. Yes, it would have been great to insure Killua's alliance with the hero society but it was not at the cost of others.

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