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"Everyone is going!"

"We really get to go to camp?"Kirishima asked with a grin.

"Seriously?"Mina inquired practically shaking with excitement.

"Yeah,the good news is that no one failed the written exam,five failed the practical badly two teams of course,and then Sero failed as well."

"Damn it!Crap I knew it!Mineta made it to the gate but I didn't do near enough to pass."Sero said face palming.

"Allow me to explain,"Aizawa said,"For the practical exam the teachers made sure to leave a way for the students to win,other wise you would have never stood a chance.We were interested in observing how you each work together and approach the task in hand."

"But didn't you say that the teachers won't be holding back?"Ojiro asked.

"That was just to get you on edge."

"Does that mean Midnight was going easy on Killua?"Hagakure inquired, voicing the thoughts of her classmates.

Obviously ,they were not okay with him being powerful enough to beat Midnight without even using his quirk.Some were refusing to accept the rift between them and him and some were in plain out denial.Class 1-A was skeptical and didn't like the easy win the pale haired boy got.

The class turned to look at the pale haired boy who was observing whatever was outside the window.He scoffed, his face nonchalant.

"Of course she was holding back,there is no way I could beat a Pro without even using my quirk,it was kinda obvious really."He said.

Aizawa balled his fist at the lie,continuing his speech."Besides the training camp will focus on building your strength,those who failed needs it the most.We were never going to separate you,it was all a logical deception we used."

Iida shot up from his seat,"Mr Aizawa this is the second time you've lied to us,aren't you afraid we will lose faith in you?"

"Uh,a little blunt there Tenya."Uraraka said.

"That's a good point I'll consider it."Aizawa said."But I wasn't lying to you about everything,failure is failure.We have prepare special classes for those of you who failed,frankly they will be far tougher than summer school."


"This is gonna be great,I'm so glad we are all gonna go together."Ojiro said.

"Looks like we will be at the training camp a full week."Iida said,holding a booklet and flipping through it.

"I've gotta find a bigger suitcase."Midoriya murmured, peeking at the booklet from over Iida's shoulder.

"Yeah,I don't even have a bathing suit,guess I'll need to buy some stuff."Kaminari complained.

"And night vision googles."Mineta added.

"Guys since we are off school tomorrow and we've finished our exams I have the best idea."Hagakure said, gaining the attention of the class."Why doesn't class 1-A go shopping together?!"

"Hell yeah,we've never hung out as a class before."Kaminari said agreeing instantly.

"Bakugou see you there, right?"Kirishima grinning.

"I can't think of anything more annoying."The blonde said walking out of the class.

"Will you come Todoroki?"Midoriya asked walking up to his friend.

"Sorry,I visit my mom on my days off."He answered.

"You party poopers!"Mineta  yelled.

"Killua you are coming too right?Mina asked, bouncing up to the white haired boy a grin decorating her pink face.

//Blink //(HxH xbnha crossover)Where stories live. Discover now