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Hello everyone, happily announcing that I am not dead...yet.


Best Jeanist narrowed his eyes slightly as the revenette next to him happily pressed stickers with faces on the wires they were supposed to use for the  hospital raid. Frankly he didn't understand why a fourteen years old girl was participating in a raid with top heroes. For the most part Alluka didn't look all that bothered by his obviously confused stare. She didn't even bother to look up from her oh so important work of sticking stickers.

He didn't even understand why she was now an intern under his name. He was glad that he was all healed and as good as new but the girl was too strange for him to keep up. He had learned that their powers are slightly similar. He can manipulate fabric and she can manipulate anything with a string like structure. He could see how she would choose to work under him for some time but there were things he still have to yet understood.  How did a girl like her even manage to get a provisional license at this time of year? He knew the hero public safety commission didn't give exams at this time and he was sure that the girl was still in middle school and not enrolled in any hero school.

"Alluka, what are you doing?" he finally gave in to his curiosity and asked.

The girl with pale blue eyes looked up and smiled slightly, showing him the emoji-like stickers that strangely matched the ones on her headband," Look at those, aren't they cute?" she asked happily flashing him to roll of tiny stickers.

Best Jeanist hummed," I guess they are, but why are you sticking them on the wires?" He patiently asked.

"I have one for you as well." she said sticking the small sticker with an angry face on his clothes," Please don't remove this until the raid is over." she said, pressing down to make sure that the sticker won't be moving.

"Why though?" he asked, looking down at the young girl.

He wanted to know why she would place such great importance in the silly stickers.

She smiled up brightly at him," So I could rescue you if things go south." she said.

Looking down at his jean jacket with a bright yellow sticker, the blonde hero inspected the sticker closely," Why? Is this a tracker?" he asked her. 

No matter how he looked at it, it was just an ordinary sticker. Besides he doubted that she would put trackers on mere metal wires. Not to mention that most of the stickers she put on the wires had neutral faces, not that it mattered what expression the emoji displayed.

Alluka hummed as if she was contemplating," I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you, but promise not to tell anyone and also promise not to freak out." she said with a humorously serious look on her face.

Best Jeanist raised a brow but decided to humor her," Alright, I won't freak out and I will keep your secret." he said with every intent to keep his word.

Putting the stickers away Alluka took a seat across him in the van they were waiting in," It's sorta related to how my power works, like how I have to be in contact with my target first, before I could actually do anything with my power." she started.

"Go on." he said.

She smiled," My power, 'Cord Empress' allows me to manipulate anything with a string like structure, that ranges from threads to blood vessels to even the spine and muscle tissue and tendons if I really focus. Pretty neat right?" she grinned almost smugly.

Best Jeanist's lips twitched fondly as he nodded," It is plenty powerful." he said.  

"But the thing about my power is that it it gets more powerful with  pre-set conditions." she said.

//Blink //(HxH xbnha crossover)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat