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"Do your best."

Mirio said adjusting his stance, Killua smirked tucking his hands in his pockets, "Nah ,you will die if I do that,"and for some reason Nezu believed him "in fact I won't even use my quirk for the first half and you do your best . we'll see where the second half will take us."

Mirio's smile didn't even falter as he braced himself for the start. He was very confident he would catch Killua off guard. Cementos raised his hand ," One ,"

Killua cracked his neck ,his smirk wreaking of confidence. It unnerved Nezu to an extent.

"Two ,"

Aizawa leaned forward ,his shape eyes fixated on the younger male.


Killua closed his eyes and simply activated his En. It annoyed Mirio that Killua wasn't taking him seriously. He smiled with a new found determination, deciding to show the younger male that he was skilled enough to take him down.

Aizawa and Nezu watched as Mirio disappeared into the ground and Kilkua made no move to open his eyes. Even when he felt Mirio in his range . Mirio reappeared an inch away from Killua launching a kick to Killua's stomach but swiped empty air when Killua stepped back. Eyes closed and hands still in his pockets. Killua didn't need to open his eyes while he still had his En .

Mirio kept launching an attack after another to no avail Killua keeps jumping back , it frustrated him.

"Amazing! He is dodging Mirio with ease! He is not even using his quirk."Nezu cheered.

Cementos and Aizawa hummed in agreement.

'Its like he knows exactly where Mirio is!'

'Its like he knows exactly where I am!'

'I know exactly where he is!'

Mirio threw a punch at Killua ,only this time Killua didn't only jump away but tightly grasped Mirio's shoulders before driving his knee into the taller male's chest. Mirio gasped feeling the air getting knocked right out of him ,he fell face first into the ground.

"Your five minutes are over!"

Killua declared his now open eyes almost glowing. He took his hands out of his pockets for the first time since the exam started just to put them behind his head as cushion.

"You can permeate through inanimate objects, a handy quirk. And you can't permeate while launching an attack. Your quirk itself is not flashy or impressive but the way you use it amazing. "
Killua observed, watching Mirio struggle to stand up.

'How did he know?He wasn't even looking!who is this guy?'


Killua stated confusing Mirio and the teachers .


" Thats the number of openings I had. I could have knocked you out on each opening. But hey I expected at least twenty five."

Killua smiled extending his hand toward Mirio who reluctantly took it,"It looks like I vastly underestimated you , But not as much as you underestimated me."

Mirio chuckled then winced "Yeah, that's right . You really are amazing, I look forward into having you around."

Killua grinned"yeah, for sure.You better get yourself checked I tried not to break any bones .But just to be sure."

Mirio nodded and wordlessly made his way out of the arena with Cementos. Nezu and the other watched in silence as Killua turned to them and point his finger at them.

//Blink //(HxH xbnha crossover)Where stories live. Discover now