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"Oh my god! Japan is really pretty!" Gon gushed his liquid eyes trying to gather as much of the scenery as he can.

"Can you fucking stop acting childish?" Bakugou growled, trying to pry the greenette away from the train window.

Their work studies happened to be in the same direction, so they decided to board the train together. The green haired boy didn't know if the ash blonde was nervous, or if he had a problem with him, but he kept snapping at every little thing Gon did.

"Is this your first time coming to this side of town?" Todoroki asked as Gon ignored the ash blonde.

Gon nodded," It's been more than a month since we came, but Bisky would barely let me have time for myself. She said I had to be able to use my Jan Jan Ken before she lets me go explore."

Killua opened one eye to look at his friend," That old hag has some problem with training. You should have been able to go sight seeing while training your hatsu." he said.

A small frown climbed on Todoroki's face as he remembered the training of the blonde hunter. He had always complained about the harsh training from his father, but he wondered if would have survived if Bisky trained him instead of his father. He only got to see her in Hero Basic training only a handful of times, in the few hours he spent in the class with her ,she had figured out all about his fighting technique and pointed out a mountain of mistakes and designed a tailored training regiment for him. He thought it was amazing, how her sharp eyes would observe twenty students at the same time and still be able to pick up on their every move and do a complete analysis in the exact moment.

Her training was harsh, bordering cruel and she does not tolerate any kind of slacking. Unlike many teachers she had no problem with hurling insults at them... but he couldn't help the nagging feeling that she was going easy on them.Her training was harsh, but the results were almost instantaneous. Her training was guaranteed to help anyone improve if anyone followed her instructions properly.

 His dad couldn't even hold a candle to her.

"But it does feel good to be able to use Nen again. I thought I wouldn't be able to use it any longer." Gon said, smiling in relief.

Killua let out a soft scoff," You are still more powerful than most people, even without your Nen." he said.

Gon pouted," I might be, but I was still not as powerful as the rest of the people around me, not to mention that most Hunter services were involved with Nen. I couldn't explore the ruins Ging discovered much with no Nen." he complained.

Killua blinked," Yeah, it's kinda hard not to use Nen once you started, I used to take on missions from home and still excicute them easily without Nen, but now if I'm faced with a problem my first instinct is to activate my aura."

Gon grinned," Yeah." he said then furrowed his sharp eye brows," But it's kind of weird that people from this world can see our Nen."

"What do you mean?"Todoroki asked.

Killua shrugged," People without open Aura nodes can't see Nen aura. It confused me for a while too, but then I stopped comparing the people from our world and here. Quirks and Nen are completely different and there is no point in contrasting them." he said.

"But it would be fucking annoying to lose such a big advantage in a fight." Bakugou grumbled.

Gon laughed," It's not as much of an advantage." he said," If a person with no Nen is hit directly with a Nen attack then it would be rare for them to survive, so unless you want to kill your Nenless opponent or open their aura nodes you won't use a Nen attack." 

//Blink //(HxH xbnha crossover)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat