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Twice didn't exactly know How he ended up in this situation. It was not ideal but he didn't really have a choice. Like Killua said, Twice didn't stand a chance against the pale haired boy. If he resists he could risk being killed. He had deduced that it would have been better to just wait and report back to Shigaraki. The League was supposed to have a small meet up today anyways.

Twice sighed, he did not like being an errand boy. But he did realize, the issue that the pale haired boy brought up could not be ignored and it might cause an issue inside the league.

Twice could hear Overhaul complaining about filth next to him, but he couldn't bother less. He was worried about his next move and how he would bring the issue of Killua up to his boss.

"So no one made any notable progress, eh?" Shigaraki asked.

"No one is good enough to join us." Dabi complained.

"And the heroes are making it hard for us to move around." Overhaul said.

Twice scoffed," You don't seem to have trouble distributing the quirk erasing bullets though." He blurted.

A silence ringed in the store house and Overhaul closed his eyes as if he was hiding his shock. He did not expect to be exposed this soon. He thought he would have some more time before being found.

"What did you just say, Twice?" Shigaraki asked.

Twice put his hands on his hips, reporting what had happened earlier that week," Killua found me last Wednesday, he literally just showed up at my apartment one morning."

Another short silence dropped with all the members of the league staring at Twice with wide eyes. They did not expect him to say anything about the pale haired boy.

"How did you manage to escape?" Mr. Compress asked.

"I didn't he just late me go."

"He let you go?" Magne echoed," Why would he do that?"

Twice helplessly shook his head," Beats me, he said something about being given more missions if he brings me in."

Shigaraki cocked his head," If he didn't track you down to arrest you then what did he want?"

"That's the thing. He said he didn't specifically track me down, he said he ran into me. Apparently he was sent to collect the bullets that had started reappearing on the streets. He said he wants us to stop selling them cause collecting them from the public reduces his free time."

"A request?" Toga echoed" Killua is so polite!!"

"More like a threat." Dabi corrected.

"No it's a request. Killua said that he was bored in UA and wanted to see what we were doing. If you ask me, he sounded really done with the heroes." Twice said.

Shigaraki hummed," Overhaul, I thought I was clear when I said that we should hold off distributing the bullets for now. I clearly remember that we should keep our reserves." he said his voice low and scratchy.

Overhaul blinked turning to Shigaraki," The Hassaikai needs the money and to advertise the bullets. I can not support the entire organization by being dormant for long."

" This isn't about the Shie Hassaikai. We agreed to take you into the League because you said you would follow orders. If you can't keep your end of the deal then there is no reason to support you. The Doctor is trying to develop the red bullets, be patient." Shigaraki said," And besides you can support your dying organization by selling other drugs and not the red bullets."

//Blink //(HxH xbnha crossover)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu