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The reality of the matter didn't hit him until he felt his best friend embrace him in a hug. Until he felt his warmth and inhaled his vaguely familiar scent.

The relief he felt was soul crushing. He felt the massive anxiety he had been carrying drop off his shoulder, that god awful tightness of his chest eased and he felt like he could breath again.

Tears gathered at the corners of his eyes as he sent one hand to return the hug, refusing to take his other hand out of his sister's hair.

They were here, they were really here. There was no reason for him to worry anymore. He basked in the feeling, the sweet sense of relief that made him want to burst into tears right there and then. He didn't realize that it had taken this kind of toll on him , but god damn it he was glad.

He gritted his tooth before forcefully pulling away from his friend, just to knock him hard on the head. 

The greenette and Recovery Girl flinched ," Ow, what was that for, Killua?!" he cried out, looking at the pale haired boy accusingly.

Killua glared harshly at the greenette," That's for stupidly wishing to come to me without actually knowing what kind of situation I was in, you idiot. What if I was in a situation where I couldn't help you? Seriously, you can't use Nen, what made you think that you could survive against one of them, let alone three? You can't just throw yourself at death and hope that Nanika would simply save you." he seethed.

Killua and Gon had been separated even before the pale haired boy came into this universe. They barely kept in touch through phone calls that happened every once in a while. Gon's presence was appreciated, it made the pale haired boy feel like a weight was lifted off his chest.

He noticed that Gon's appearance had changed slightly. His hair was a bit shorter than it was when they last saw each other and his face had also changed slightly. He wasn't that surprised, they were fifteen now after all and not twelve.

"I just couldn't let them take  Alluka, y'know." Gon answered honestly, looking down slightly with his hands running apologetically in his shorter green hair.

Killua paused, he couldn't honestly be angry at him for protecting Alluka. He felt a bit guilty, all this time the only candidate he had in mind for protecting his sister was Bisky and not Gon. He didn't expect Gon to be of that much of a resistance against Illumi, after all going into a Nen battle with out Nen was like going on a suicide mission and Gon can't use his aura anymore so he stood no chance against Illumi. . 

"Besides, I really thought I was going to die," Gon said, looking up at his friend," I wanted to see you before that." he confessed with a bright grin. It was weird, but the greenette just called out the wish on impulse. He was so worried about him he wanted to make sure he was okay.

The pale haired boy frowned at the words his friend had just uttered, remembering that moment's ago he was on the verge of death and seconds before that his brother was about to kill him. 

"Sorry, I didn't even think that Nanika could save me or anything. I just figured that getting her to wherever you are while I was still breathing was a whole lot safer than letting Illumi take her and then dying in vain." he answered.

The pale haired boy narrowed his eye," Idiot." He muttered under his breath. Wishing for Nanika to take them to him was a risky and a reckless move, but again Gon has always been reckless and took way too may risks for his own good.

"So Nanika saved me huh?" the greenette said, examining his torso where he had his fatal wound a couple of minutes ago," I'd have to thank her later." he mused for himself.

"As heart warming as your reunion is," Bisky sweetly said, throwing her ponytail over her shoulder," We need to address the issue here."

Killua stood up, picking his unconscious little sister up with him," Yeah, I'm going to put Alluka in the nurses office, she need to rest.  I can fill you guys in after that ,Let's go Gon!"

Aizawa frowned," Killua you can't just walk out of here with them without an explanation."

Killua sighed,"Alluka needs to rest and I need to explain things to Bisky and Gon before we talk to you guys. Don't worry they won't just jump into a fight."

The blonde hunter glanced at the suspicious looking people that stood with them in the room. She did not trust them in the slightest. With a sigh she followed after the pale haired boy offering them a  polite smile.


Class 1-A was confused to say the least. Who wouldn't be? These people just appeared out of thin air. It wasn't like how Kurogiri and the league came with the villains at the USJ, there was no warp gates or portals opened. This time the people just manifested out of thin air.

They were even more confused to what had happened with the ravenette and the greenette, and the blonde was just as confusing. Were they friends of the pale haired boy? From his own universe? Were they dangerous? Were they as powerful as him, or were they even more powerful?

They were confused and didn't like the fact that their intensive training had been cut off and post ponded because of them.

The doors to gym Gamma opened to reveal the pale haired boy, with the revenette in his arms. She looked unconscious and the way she rested in his arms was as if she had been there many times before, the tenderness in his grasp confirmed that. It was obvious from the way he glanced down at her , the girl had a special place in his heart.

 The greenette walked next to him, smiling slightly as if wasn't dying on the Gym's ground a moment ago. The little blonde girl that followed them seemed to be the most alert as her big pink eyes darted around  the place, taking everything in. 

She locked eyes with a certain pink skinned girl and raised a sharp brow, noticing the way the girl studied their movement.

"Hey Killua, who are they?" she decided to ask, turning to the younger boys in front of her. The pale haired boy paused turning to look at who she was referring to. His blue eyes fell on his classmates and he turned to look back at his mentor.

 "They are my classmates, class 1-A." he vaguely mentioned, figuring that he will have to explain it to her later.

Iida stepped forth, pushing his glasses up his nose," Is everything okay, Killua?" he asked.

Before he could answer the pale haired boy saw his spiky haired friend step up," Hey, I'm Gon!" he introduced enthusiastically, taking the class representative off.

Iida blinked," I'm Tenya Iida. Is it safe to walk around like this? Your wounds looked deep earlier." He said.

Gon turned to his bestfriend," Was it really that bad?" he asked, making his mentor groan at his nonchalant reply. That was just like him and some how she was glad he was back to his airy self.


I'm back with another chapter, guys. 

I hope you enjoy it.

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