None of us is innocent

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Hey guysss!!
Here's a new chap for y'all!
I hope you guys enjoy it!
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Ily all! ❤

*Grayson's pov*

I reversed the car and parked it underneath a tree, right outside Cassie's house. Placing my elbow on the seat and bringing my leg up to my seat, i turned around to see my poor, timid girl sitting between Francis and Landon with her hands tugged between her thighs,"Now listen to me, you are going to get down and go to Cassie's room. Pretend everything's normal and when Andrew comes, you are going to go back home with him." She looked at me cautiously, blinking her eyes rapidly and then nodded slightly. She didn't ask me any questions and I was confused about that, but soon came to the realisation that I never actually told her the whole story so maybe I had broken her trust.

Francis got out of the car first and kept the door open for her to get out. She tugged her purse closely to her chest as Sam gave her the heels that she had left at the front seat. She sat at the edge of the seat and hung her legs down to put on the shoes while Francis stood with the door open. After she was done, she thanked us and walked towards the main door of her friend's house. She knocked on the door and after a while, someone came rushing down the stairs, thankfully it was Cassie. She let her in without any interrogation, just her eyes scanning over my girl's body and then looking at us as Sam smiled at her, a broad, wide smile.

Cassie closed the door behind her and Kaitlyn didn't even look once or smile once at me. I never thought this was how the night would go, from Swayer tempting me to stay with her for the night and to dropping her off at her friend's place for Andrew to come and pick her up in the middle of the night. It had been 3 minutes since we left her at Cassie's place and I was unable to assess whether she was upset with me, or maybe she was planning on breaking up with me. I started looking for my phone in my pocket when Sam interrupted me,
"what are you doing?"
"I have to tell her to change her clothes, before Andrew comes." My clipped tone made Sam not pass any inappropriate comments.
I dialed her number, which by now, was embedded in the back of my mind. She picked up on the fourth ring.
"Yes?" She asked, her voice full of sobs, as she tried her best to not let it go.
"Hey babe, don't forget to change your clothes before Andrew comes," I spoke in the phone after a few seconds of silence. I had made her cry. She was definitely crying about how bad of a boyfriend I was to her on the first day of us becoming official.
"Jealous much?" She pretended to laugh, but I knew that deep down she was hurt.
"Just don't trust him," I added shortly.
"Trust...." she sighed as her nose gave off those crying vibes.
"Good night babe, let me know if any trouble arises," I spoke back hesitantly.
Without any other word, she ended the call.

"She was crying. She didn't even say good night to me!" I whined as I hit my fist on the steering wheel.
From the backseat Francis responded, "After what you did to her, any normal girl would cry," he shrugged, "you shouldn't have done that Grayson. You are in a relationship with her. You can't just go on insulting her!" He exclaimed.
"I didn't mean to! She wasn't listening to me!" I whined.  
"As if that justifies what you did," Sam spoke. "You need to understand, she is new to this! She doesn't even know the deep shit we are all in. She has no idea that you are the one who killed half of her family!"

"You guys were equally involved. Hell, everyone was involved. What about the times her father killed my family members! Your family members!" I screamed. "None of us is innocent out here, we have all done things that we aren't proud of, but do we sit and whine about it? No. We move on with our lives. Because that is all that comes out of being in mafia. We don't cry over how our families were killed. We move on."

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