It terrifies me what I would do for you

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Hey everyone!!!
It's been a long while... a really really long one, and I'm so so so sorry i kept you all waiting 😭
Please forgive me <3
But anyways, here's a new chapter for you all!! ♥️
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*Kaitlyn's pov*

“So, what are we going to do now?” Landon questioned as he took out the last alphabet of the hanging ‘happy birthday’ banner. Sam leaned towards Cassie and whispered, “you guys cannot join us in what we are about to do next.” Followed by this comment were various hoots and giggles, as Cassie slapped Sam’s arm, indicating him to shut his mouth.
Grayson put his arm around my shoulders and smiled, “I’m taking my girl out for a motorbike ride around the island,” he looked over at me asking if I was up for the plan. “Sounds perfect!” I smiled.
We headed out of the house as everyone else decided it was time for hot tub. Grayson held my hand as he walked us to the land where the bikes were parked. He spun the keys on his index finger as he told me which bike, we were riding on. “Can I ride? Please,” I beg as Grayson picks up a helmet from a wooden ledge near the parking area. He looks over at me and smirks, “not this.” I pout and cross my arms across my chest, he laughs and hands me the helmet. Without further arguments and ado, we set off to explore the island. The wind blew past my hair and my face, causing me to partially shut my eyes as I hugged Grayson tightly. His perfect muscles tensed under my hands and he spoke over the high wind, “I could have your hands like this any day, but dear God, this is making it so difficult for me to focus on the path here.” I laughed and hugged him even tighter, this time resting my head on his perfectly shaped back. The cold wind made it so much harder for me to stop my body temperature from freezing as I wore just a light fabric black t shirt.
I could see the landscapes past by us and in this moment, I realized how much he meant to me, how I had fallen in love with a guy, everyone warned me about. I closed my eyes and thought about the times I was this obedient, little girl who always did what her parents said, the closest people she had were her bodyguards, and now… here I was, riding on a motorbike in the middle of literally nowhere, with a guy who I got to know almost a year ago. Now wasn’t this just too much? My inner goddess frowns at me with her arms crossed, ‘you have every right to be happy…’ she chimed. But wasn’t I happy before I met this handsome, brooding, arrogant man? I was… or maybe not… because what I felt with him, the insane and dangerous rollercoaster of emotions that I go through, I’ve never felt any of this before. But is this dumb of me? Is this wrong? I know that we could never work out, we’re just so different; he carries guns, I carry Louis Vuitton handbags.
“Kaitlyn!! Are you here with me?” My chain of thoughts was interrupted by a heavenly voice. “Umm... yes, sorry, I got distracted,” I reply, embarrassed by my lack of attention towards Grayson on his birthday. Bad girlfriend? I guess… he laughs it off for the moment, but surely his insecurity won’t let it slide for long and he’ll question me about it later on, “I was wondering if you want to maybe stop by a place that is close to my heart,” he pauses, “or if you are tired, we could just head back,” he offers, hoping that I’ll pick the first option and I do. “no, I would love to see it,” I smile although he couldn’t see it.
Soon, we reach the place and as Grayson had made me promise him, I had my eyes shut. I felt him get off the bike and as I began to tumble. I was lifted in a pair of strong arms. I could feel Grayson’s heart pumping as I placed my ear on his chest. I don’t know why, but I never thought I’d grow to feeling this safe around the guy who literally everyone was afraid of. I could feel his gun near my ribs, and before I could complain, my feet were set on what felt like rocks. “don’t open your eyes yet,” he warned and I nodded, letting out a soft chuckle. I could feel him shuffling around and soon a soft melody struck my ears. “Open,” he instructed and my eyes fluttered open and before me was the beach hitting the land gracefully as the palm trees sheltered us from the open sky. The moon shone right before my eyes and in the distance, I could see the city lights. The view was mesmerizing, something totally unreal.
I completely forgot about the soft music playing behind me, and once I get back to my senses, I turn around to see Grayson resting against his bike, a genuine smile spread across his face and he walked towards me. “Hope you like it,” he whispers over the music. I look up at him, surprised at his dumb question, “yes Grayson! I love it,” I almost cry. I don’t know what this is about me, but when I see a beautiful piece of nature, I almost feel like crying. Yes, I also feel like crying when I look at Grayson, but there’s something about him that immediately drowns all of my sadness and blesses me with all the laughter in the world.
I wrap my arms around him as tightly as I could and I feel him return a warm hug. After what felt like a lifetime, he held me by my shoulders and looked into my eyes, “can I have this dance my lady?” he smiled and held out of hand for me to hold and the other behind his back. A guy in leather jacket and tattoos covering his entire body, treating me like a queen? That was a first. “Maybe not all bad boys are a d word…” I muttered under my breath but he heard it. His response was a chuckle and in an amused tone he repeated “d word?”

I didn’t want him to hear it so I just stood there unsure of what to say, “yes, you know… d word,” I shyly spoke, drawing circles on the ground with my feet. He smirked, “yes princess, I know what di-,” I silenced him before he could say it, “shush, it’s a bad word,” I laughed and he looked at me with one of his eyebrows raised.
Without any hesitation, he held my hand and spun me around, pulling me so close to him that I could feel his hot breath on my skin. “You never fail to amuse me, Miss Forbes,” he whispered in my ear and I could practically hear him smirk. In that moment, something under me lit up and I took control. I released myself from his strong grip and continued to make him follow my lead. He continued to smirk and to my surprise, it was as if he could actually read my mind because he knew exactly when I wanted him to spin me around. After the last spin, as the music came to a stop, Grayson was leaning over me and I stood there with half of my body weight on Grayson’s right arm, with his strong gaze piercing through my body. “Neither do you, Mr. Valachi,” I smirked and his eyebrow rose up. Catching him completely off guard, I planted a kiss of his lips and he was thrown back. I pulled away pretty fast, leaving him wanting more and wriggled out of his hold as he stood there, shook.
We stood there, staring at each other, as the sound of the lake hitting the rocks echoed through the island accompanied by the sound of crumbling leaves. “Oh man,” he muttered as he ran his hand through his soft hair. He turned around and that increased the distance between us. He took small steps, indicating that he was thinking something, “I think we should head back, it’s too late,” he suggested and I knew something was wrong, but I didn’t want to push him into telling me, so I nodded and started to walk towards the bike.

The ride back was silent, not the awkward silence, but the comfortable one. I had my head on Grayson’s back as he drove the bike way over the speed limit, but that didn’t actually matter to me, it should have, but I had more faith in Grayson than I had in myself.
He parked the bike and helped me get off and with his fingers tangled in mine, we walked inside to find everyone sitting on the couch and watching a movie with popcorn in a large bowl placed on Landon’s lap, Sam and Cassie sat on the couch adjacent to the one where Landon and Francis were seated. They looked over at us and waved, “come, watch this movie,” Cassie suggested. I looked beside me and Grayson was nowhere to be seen, “no, I really have to change my clothes,” I laughed as I pointed to just the black shirt that I was wearing.
Walking upstairs, my mind kept repeating the events of today, recalling if I said or did something that resulted in Grayson’s sudden mood shift. I twisted the door knob to find the room empty. With thousands of thoughts racing through my mind, I searched the entire floor, but he was nowhere. As I was about to give up, it hit me, the rooftop. Praying he would be there, I walked up the stairs and entered the roof.
There he was, standing with his back towards me, admiring the beauty of his island. “Grayson,” I called after him, but he did not turn around. I called his name again, but there was no response. The roof had a beautiful pool in the middle and I wondered how many pools could one need on an island…
“Babe, did I do something wrong?” I asked, desperation dripping from my voice.

He turned around, his eyes seemed swollen and his hands were trapped in his pockets. He let out a deep breath,
“Kaitlyn, I look at you, and I just love you, and it terrifies me. It terrifies me what I would do for you.” He let his hands out from his pocket and rested them against the wall, “I never thought I was capable of such a feeling and to be very honest, I never believed in love or whatever, but I knew I did from the first moment we met. It was not love at first sight exactly, but familiar to it. Like, oh it’s you. It’s always going to be you.”

I stood there dumbstruck, and after seeing my reaction, he took a step back and turned sideways, in a way that I could only see the right side of his body, “I’ve always been taught that love makes a person weaker, but you, dear God, loving you has made me stronger than I have ever been,” he stopped and took small steps towards me, “I love you, Kaitlyn Forbes. I might not know what love is, but I’m sure that whatever it is, it is with you.” 

So, Grayson finally confessed his feelings XD
What do you think is going to gaien next?
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Lots of love,

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