I'm so lucky to have you in my life

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Hey guys!!!
I am sort-of back idkk😹
So, we finally have 20K reads, now that is literally insane🤯
Thank you so much for all the love you guys have given me T_T
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*Kaitlyn’s pov*

“You are not running away from home!” Cassie warned me as I laid on her bed with my legs over my head. She was lying beside me on her bed with her legs on the wall, as we painted our nails. Somehow, I had convinced Andrew to drop me off at Cassie’s place; because I had to convince her to come with me to Grayson’s birthday and I also wanted my best friend’s opinion regarding my plan of running away if my family wouldn’t allow me. “So, what am I supposed to do?” I whined as I selected another color of nail paint from over our heads.

“anything but run away,” Cassie said as she snatched away the nail paint from my fingers and glared at me, “look at me!” she instructed and I rolled my eyes before looking back at her. “now imagine, even if you run away, do you really think your dad, your bodyguards and Andrew would let you. They’ll catch up with you in a matter of seconds.” 

She had a point, I wouldn’t be in the air for long, but I had, had enough of my family’s tantrums. They weren’t going to tell me anything and they still wanted me to do whatever they said.  “I’m willing to take my chances,” I shrugged “and I’m sure Grayson will figure something out,” I snatched the nail paint back from her hand. She sighed and gave up.
Later that night, I decided to finally pluck up my courage and talk to dad about the trip. “hey dad,” I said as I knocked on his study’s door. He turned his chair around and kept the file, that he was holding in his hands, on the table.

“yes sweetie, come in,” he smiled, as he gestured me to have a seat.
“dad, I want to talk to you about something,” I stuttered as my fingers knotted in my lap. He gestured me to continue. “dad, Cassie and I are planning a road trip, so will you allow me to have a weekend with my friend for a teen girl road trip?” I asked.
He looked at me for a second and weighed his possibilities, “Kaitlyn, I’m sure you’d want to go alone,” I nodded, “you know I cannot do that sweetie.”
“but dad, it’ll be just us,” I whined.
“that’s not the problem my dear, I cannot let you go alone, not unless you take Swayer or Paul with you…”
In that exact moment, I had an idea, “okay dad, but it will be just one, either Paul or Swayer.” I warned.
He held his hand up to his chest, “promise.”
I hugged him and got back to my room where I texted Grayson telling him about my plan, in reply of which I received a couple of texts which said that it was a not idea, but he was okay with my plan. I called Cassie to tell her what I was about to do and she was adamant on changing my mind, but was unable to succeed in doing so.
The next morning, all the preparations were made and Grayson was fully aware about how everything would be taking place.
Paul greeted at the main gate and I smiled as he took the baggage, except for my handbag. Meanwhile, Andrew saw me from the terrace and immediately texted me asking where I was going, instead of coming down himself. I looked up towards the balcony shielding my eyes from the scorching sunlight and texted him back saying I was going on a road trip with Cassie. He typed something, but then erased it and wrote something else, continuing this process for a good minute and then all I got from him was an ‘oh.’

I had already hugged mom once, but I wanted to do it again so I ran up to the main door and hugged her back; feeling a burden lift off my chest and a wave of relief passing over me, “have fun and stay safe baby,” mom whispered in my ear as I rested my head in the crook of her neck.
After a final wave, Paul and I left for Cassie’s house. She was all dressed up, ready with all her stuff, waiting for us when we reached her. She sat with me in the backseat and looked at me with guilty eyes as she placed her hand over mine that was resting on my lap; she nodded in my direction and then took out her phone from her purse to send me a text with her free hand. “It’s all going to be okay,” her message read. I smiled in her direction as Paul started driving. We all sat in silence, but when Paul was about to reach our decided location, which was a gas station, I said, “hey Paul, can you stop by that station? We have to get snacks for the ride.” Paul nodded and said that he had to get the tank filled too. I took out my phone from my bag to text Grayson if he was in position, and to my comfort he was. He said that he was in a black SUV, and we were supposed to get in from the back seat.
Paul parked our car at one of the empty stations to fill the tank and meanwhile Cassie and I picked up our handbags which contained most of our necessary belongings and entered the convenience store and pretended to look through columns of crisps. Keeping her eyes fixed on Paul, Cassie neared the back exit of the store and I followed behind her. As soon as Paul bent down to insert the pipe in the tank, Cassie exclaimed “now!” and we both ran out of the exit without Paul noticing us as his back was against us. As soon as we were out, our eyes searched for a black SUV; but I felt a strong grip on my shoulder. I shrieked and immediately turned around expecting to see Paul behind me, but thankfully it was Grayson who shushed me and held my hand to direct me to the car, Cassie holding my other hand following us.
Francis was on the driving seat and Landon sat beside him. Grayson instructed the both of us to get in the car and we sat at the backseat; thankfully the car was a seven-seater so Cassie and I were easily able to sit in the back leaving Grayson to sit with Sam in the middle. Without turning back and any other hesitation Francis sped the car towards an unfamiliar road saying that it was the shortest and the most secretive way towards the island. It was in this moment that I started to feel bad about ditching Paul like that, and I had no other option but to keep my head in my hands as my elbows rested comfortably on my knees. Before I was able to asses what was going on, I saw Cassie get up and jump on Sam’s lap as Grayson squeezed in, trying to get his giant body past the small space between the headrests and the roof of the car. “what are you guys doing?” I laughed freely and it felt good to be breathing without any restrictions. Grayson finally got head first on the backseat and then straightened his position, after brushing some invisible dust off his black leather jacket. I had my eyes fixed on Cassie who was still, comfortably seated on Sam’s lap as he played with her hair and her eyes fixed on his.
Grayson followed my gaze and noticed the ‘thing’ that was going on between them. He leaned forward and scoffed, breaking the two of them from their reverie. “didn’t realize there was something going on between you two,” he smirked as he supported his chin with his forearm. Cassie, who was by now super embarrassed jumped off Sam’s lap onto the vacant seat beside him. Grayson relaxed his back and sighed, “so princess, what’s up?” he asked as he kissed the top of my knuckles. As I was about to scold him for spoiling Sam and Cassie’s moment, Landon yelled, “GRAYSON PHONES!” This made Grayson bolt up and he immediately instructed me and Cassie to switch off our cells, before explaining that my family could track me.
After all the necessary measures to prevent us from being tracked, Grayson brought his body closer to mine and kept his arm on my shoulders, making it easier for me to lean on him. “Are you okay?” he asked as he caressed my cheek. I looked up at his shiny, jewel-like eyes and thought about how madly I loved him, I could do anything for him, but say it to him. I wondered how in movies and books, the male lead always did something special when he said his first ‘I love you’ to the female lead, but here I was crazily obsessed over this devil, but unable to say how much he meant to me and how much I loved him, or how he never said how much he loved me, or did he even love me? Or was I just another of his play things? “yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” I smiled, tangling my hand in his.  He nodded and then lifted up my chin, giving a soft peck on my lips. “I’m so lucky to have you in my life, princess.”

*Andrew’s pov*

“Sir, you let her go alone?” I questioned as Kaitlyn’s dad continued writing an email to the drug dealer asking about his consignment that was delayed.
“No son, not alone. She has Paul with him,” he looked up from his computer, and in that exact moment, his phone, which laid beside his keyboard rang. He picked it up to see it was Paul. “ah, look it’s Paul,” he smiled and answered the call, “yes Paul?... what...YOU LOST HER… ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?.... WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE GOT AWAY…? I WANT HER LOCATION IN THIS EXACT MOMENT…” he slammed the phone on the desk as his expressions continued to change. If it was even possible, I could see smoke coming out from his ears as he continued to rub the ide of his forehead.

“Sir? Is everything okay?” it was a dumb question to ask, but I had to start the conversation somehow.
“Kaitlyn got away, or either she was kidnapped.” Mr. Forbes answered, before picking up his cell to dial in some other numbers. “Andrew, I need you to find her location right now.”
“yes sir, on it.” I replied before stepping out of the study and dialing some contacts of my own. Meanwhile, I thought if she would actually run away or was, she kidnapped by Grayson and his sloppy serpents.
Few hours had passed and it was early evening but still there was no clue of Kaitlyn and her friend. We had figured out her last location, but after that it was as if they had disappeared off the face of the earth. Her phone had been switched off and we all knew very well that there was two things Kaitlyn could never live without; Louis Vuitton handbags and social media.

By now, half of the Lions co. knew that Kaitlyn was missing. No one suspected that she ran away, except me. I knew that she was not the one who would be easily kidnapped, so running away was my go-to option.
As an equal partner, it was my dad’s job to comfort the Forbes that everything was going to be okay. So, he left Turkey in his private jet as soon as the news of Kaitlyn going missing reached him.

*Kaitlyn’s pov*

“No Grayson, I’m not jumping off the boat to go and have a swim with you!” I exclaimed, as my fingers tightly gripped the railing of the ferry while Grayson pressurized me to  dive in the ocean along with him. “don’t you know how to swim?” he laughed. “umm… of course, duh. I know how to swim,” I lied.

Suddenly there was a loud blop in the water, so we turned around to see who it was, and to my surprise it was Cass. “hey Kate! Come on now, this is fun!” she screamed as she swam closer towards the others; Francis, Landon and Sam.

Grayson turned me around to look in his eyes, it was now when I noticed how ridiculously hot, he was. The setting sun reflected a golden light on his well-toned abs which were partially covered with tattoos. He wore a blue short that hung off his hips in the most gorgeous way possible.
“I don’t have my swimsuit with me,” I smiled.
“It’s okay! You can wear your bra in here!”  Cassie shouted from the water.
“haha no, I’ll pass,” I shouted back, “you go have fun,” I told Grayson.
“If you’re not going, then I’m not going,” he folded his arms across his chest. I fet like I was acting like a granny. ‘go girl, live a little!’ my inner goddess whispered as she sat on her super comfy armchair with a book and coffee.

Without any second thought, I pulled my shirt over my hand, secretly thanking Cassie for constantly texting me to wear a new set of Victoria’s secret undergarments. Grayson stood there with his eyes fixed on me as I unbuttoned my skinny ripped jeans and rolled them down my legs. Now I was feeling intimidated by Grayson’s gaze that had the power of melting iron. “FWEET!” I heard a voice from behind me and I turned around to see it was Landon. I laughed and before I could assess what was going on, my body was wrapped in a strong pair of arms and I was being flown into the ocean. “NO!!!” I yelled, but all I could hear was a childish laughter by Grayson himself.  

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