Maybe mafia people have a heart?

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“So, are you going to school tomorrow?” Swayer asked as he leaned beside me in the balcony. After that God awful conversation with my dad, I was still lost. “I don’t want to miss it, but I don’t think I’m ready to see him again,” I muttered. The cool breeze hit my face and I was feeling chilly. He nodded, unsure of what to say. We stood in complete silence, as my mind kept on replaying Grayson’s eyes piercing into mine, his hot breath touching my cheeks, his long fingers caressing my face and his toned body…

“Swayer?” I interrupted my inner goddess as she continued taking me to dark places.

He hummed in response.

“Do you guys- I mean- we have special training or something to become who we are?”

He smiled, “yes K, we go through stages of training, both armed and physical.”

I nodded, my mind running through possibilities of what those trainings could be.

“Do you want to start training?” he asked, a hint of sadness in his voice.

I remained quiet. I don’t know if I want to become like them. Hell, I am like them; I am one of them. The heir to Lions. Co.

“Listen K, I understand how hard this must be for you. All of us here, never really had a life like yours. We were doomed from the start.” He continued, “Your dad wanted to give you a life that he never had, that none of us ever had. He might think that he made a wrong choice by not telling you earlier, but I’m glad that he didn’t. you got to live a normal life K, and it’s all because of your dad.”

“Well, whatever my life was, it wasn’t normal,” I scoffed, “but, Swayer, how did you end up here?” I asked. 

He hesitated before telling me, “My dad was an addict and he got caught up in the wrong group of people once. Your grandfather saved him and gave him the job of being your family’s bodyguard. He worked and worked, got closer, became the closest of the guards.” He took a deep breath in, “I was brought in here when I was 8, that was when my training began. Then on a very important mission, my dad ended up with a bullet to his chest while saving your dad, so I was left alone. Your dad kept me safe, trained me and gave me everything I wanted,” he sighed, “K, if it wasn’t because of your family, my dad would’ve never recovered and I would have never been here. I owe it all to them, I can’t even put into words how much they mean to me.”

Maybe, mafia people have a heart?

“Oh Swayer, what about your mother?” I questioned, immediately regretting.

He half smiled, “she died when I was 2. I had a rough childhood K, all of us had. We were handed guns before toys, taught that there’s no such thing as feelings and love.”

In that very instant, I could hear Grayson’s voice in my head, “I don’t believe in love. I have been taught that love makes you weak.” Oh God, Grayson was also taught that love doesn’t exist, maybe that’s why he had his own way of showing his possessiveness over me. Maybe that’s why he always thought that he was incapable of either loving or being loved by anyone. He didn’t deserve that. No one deserves this.

“I’m sorry Swayer,” I whispered.

“Oh, it’s fine, I don’t remember much of her anyways,” he fakes laughed.

We stood in silence for some time, before he asked, “do you want to start training, K?”

I shut my eyes, feeling the cool air brush against my cheeks, my fingers hung by the railing, I took a deep breath in, Get your shit together Kaitlyn, “yes, Swayer. I want to start training.”

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