A Well Practiced Act

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"This woman just keeps getting more and more impressive." Rhys chuckled as he looked down at Feyre who was having a lie down on the sofa in their sun room.

"Indeed, she's one hell of a mystery." Feyre let out a deep sigh and stretched even more luxuriously on the deep pillows.

"So let me get this straight," Rhys started, "You decided to take her to the library in the city?"

"Yes," Feyre confirmed for what felt the millionth time.

"Then waited for four hours, before deciding to maybe go looking for her?" He really didn't sound too impressed with her but he sounded sarcastic enough she wasn't worried.

"Well Rhys I thought maybe she could... bond with them, she seems to have been through so much and those librarians are definitely the same."

Her husband just hummed in agreement. "And then how exactly did you find her down there? Where was she?"

"What you want the coordinates?" He laughed at that and raised an eyebrow before reaching out and tapping on her mental shield. Just send it here.

As wonderful as being daemati and having a mating bond was, they tended to prefer speaking aloud in their own home, one of the few places they truly could.

So she sent the image, the sense of Bryaxis in her ear and Celaena curled up in its chair in the early afternoon sun. Rhys started cackling incoherently and just as the door opened and Cassian entered, followed by Azriel, he exclaimed, "She really did it!" Rhys wiped a tear of laughter from his eye, "She befriended Bryaxis!"

There was a loud thud, and the sound of a very expensive flower vase smashing off the floor and breaking into millions of pieces. Feyre snapped upwards into a sitting position just in time to see Cassian sitting on his ass on the floor, covered in plant water eyes wide with an unexplainable horror as he stared at Rhys and stuttered. "W-what?"

Azriel looked concerned and bent at the knees to lift Cassian up by the underarms. "Up you go brother," he murmured quietly and wrenched Cassian back to his feet like picking a baby off the floor. Feyre heard Rhys snort behind her as Azriel rolled his eyes slightly and patted Cassian on the shoulder.

"Hell of a big baby you got there Az, do you have him on a special diet?" Rhys was still trying not to laugh too hard in order to avoid a pummelling from his general laer, as Azriel had to physically support Cassian so he could sit on the end of the sofa by Feyre's feet.

The shadowsinger kept his hand on Cassian's shoulder, frowning down at his friend in concern. He waved a scarred hand up and down to try and get some response but the general still stared at nothing. Rhys moved round the back of the chair and ruffled his friends hair. "We only mentioned it's name, it's not like we invited it to dinner this evening."

At that Cassian snapped round to stare at Feyre, "Did... did someone invite it to dinner?" He physically shook as he desperately stared into Feyre's eyes, into her soul in hopes to find the answer he wanted there.

Feyre couldn't hold it in any longer, she started laughing hysterically and flopped back into the sofa, pulling a pillow to clutch to her chest as she shook violently with laughter at the 'great, brave, warmongering Illyrian general' trembling like a puppy.

"No," she managed to get out, "Celaena didn't invite it to dinner."

Cassian seemed to unlock his frozen muscles and loosened enough to be able to ask slowly, "How did Celaena end up in the same room as Bryaxis?"

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