Chapter 14: Ice Cream Cures

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"Little sis! Little sis! Let me come in!" Finn or Oliver knocks on my bedroom door. Their voices sound identical.

I ignore them.

"Little sis! Little sis! Let me come in!" This time two voices shout in a higher pitch as if mimicking a girl's voice. If they are, then they are failing for their voices are unpleasant and screechy.

"Not by the hair of my chimney chim chim!" There is a reply outside in an even more higher-pitched squeak. i assume that might be Allen.

"No doofus! It's chin, not chimney!" I think Oliver hits Allen.

"Shut up bro. I'm the oldest. I'm always right." Allen whacks him back hard judging from the loud ouch I hear. 

"It's chin! There isn't any hair on chimney!"

"Says who?"

"Says me!"

"It's chimney!"

Pow! "Take that!"

There is shuffling of feet as all three of them tackle each other. 

"SHUT THE HELL UP! IT'S CHIN!" I throw open the door. I stare at the three of them tangled on the carpet. Somehow Finn has lost all his clothing besides his boxers and Allen has a pair of underpants on his head. I don't want to know how some of this occurred.

"Hi little sis," they grin innocently with a sing-song voice. 

"I'm out. You got what you want. What do you want now?" I tighten my fluffy robe and cross my arms at them. i try my best to appear as disgruntled with them as possible, but they do look hilarious in their position.

"We wanted to know if you would like to watch a movie with us." Finn tries to get up as he speaks, but he falls.

"A chick flick!" Ollie perks up from underneath Allen and Finn.

"No. Just because I am a chick, does NOT mean I enjoy chick flicks. Sexist pigs." I step back to shut the door. 

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" The three of them leap off from the ground and throw themselves at the door. And guess what? I am still at the door. 

We all collide, falling to the ground one on top of the other. 

"Guys? Are you trying to make me more angry?" I mutter as all their weight is thrown on me. "And did all of you gain an extra hundred of pounds?" 

"We aren't fat!" All three of them exclaim.

"Get out and leave me alone!" I scream. 

"No!" They all shout once more. 

"You finally opened the door!" Finn pouts like a kicked puppy. And believe me, kicked puppies look so sad. Don't kick puppies. Actually, don't kick animals in the first place.

"You are talking to us!" Oliver mirrors Finn's hurt puppy look.

"And the Three Musketeers have come to save the lady in the dumps!" Allen stands up and cheers with a fist pump. They all shout, "Hip, hip, hooray!"

"you got the line wrong...again," Finn mutters. 

"Hello? I'm still underneath all of you. A little help here?" I clear my throat as they rush to lift me. 

"Well, you are going to pig out with us on ice cream, chips, and netflix. No buts, no cuts, no chinese coconuts!" Ollie orders me with a convincingly menancing expression. Finny and Allen copies him and stands behind him. 

"No. I want to enjoy my time alone. Your misquoted quotes are hurting my head. Stop please. I beg you." I shake my head. I don't want to talk to anyone. Why can't they just leave me alone? I am only going to bring them down. They must feel pity for me since i'm their little sister who always need taking care of. They must feel like this is an obligation since I still have nightmares sometimes. Mason was completely right about me. I am just a wuss, a crybaby. I don't know why my brothers or how my brothers deal with me. I should just leave them alone and confine myself into my room. it's dark and comfortable. I like it. There is nobody to bother--

"OUCH!" I raise my fingers to my forehead as all three of them flick me. "That hurts! I hate it when you do it, especially if it is ALL THREE OF YOU!"

"You have that thinking face on. The bad one." Allen stares at me worriedly, which only further proves how true Mason's words were. Again, Mason is constantly on my mind. Oh, I just want to beat him up in anger, but I also want to cry in a ball. 

"Just leave me alone. i just want to have some time to myself."

"You've had your "me" time for half the day already!" Finny points out.

"half a day?" I say in surprise. Time completely flew by.

"And it is bad to leave you alone." Ollie says gently.

"You know what. get ready." Allen warns before scooping me up into his arms. "We are going to cheer this grumpy little girl up if it's the last thing we do."

The twins cheer once more and do a happy dance. I roll my eyes as he carries me. I'm not in the mood to argue or fight.

"Chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?" Allen opens the refigerator after throwing me onto the couch, rather carelessly in fact. 

"Chocolate," the twins and I chime in chorus.

"Stupid chocolate lovers." Allen mutters. He's the odd one out of us for he loves vanilla. "Vanilla is best."

"That must be the way you like se-" Finn starts but stops as Allen throws the tub of chocolate ice cream at him.

"HEY! DON'T WASTE FOOD!" Ollie catches it and clutches it dearly to his heart. He pets the tub as if it was a baby, "it's okay. We love you. Allen is just being a butt."

This time the three of us stare at Ollie with a strange look like, are we related to this fool? 

"What's the movie?" Allen hops back onto the couch with his tub of vanilla. 

"Movies. Plural." Finn corrects. "it is time for a little Harry Potter marathon!"

"Harry Potter?" I crinkle my nose. 

"You don't want to watch Harry Potter?" They pout.

"It's fine." I sigh.

Their faces show disbelief.

"Really. it's fine." i muster a weak smile. 

"You sure?" Allen looks at me once more.

"I'm not fragile! If I say it's fine, it is fu**ing fine!" I say. They don't need to treat me like that. I'm fine. i really am.

"Whoa," they all back away. "We get it." Allen says.

Then, the three of them rush around and come back with loads of junk food, blankets, and pillows. They proceed to build a fortress out of the blankets and pillows. The end result is rather cool to be honest. 

The lights turn off as the movie starts. 

I can't help but feel my mood get better as I crawl in between Finn and Allen. Laying on my stomach with them and gouging out to food, I smile as I think of all the good times we have had under our homemade forts and movie nights. 

"Gross! What the f*ck is this?" Allen grumbles to my side as he wipes his mouth with his sleeve. "..who put chocolate in my sundae?" 

"Who is this person?" He glares at us.

"Shush!" We glare at him.

Then, Ollie bursts out laughing.

"Why you little..." Allen climbs over us and tries to strangle Ollie.

"Not again..." I laugh. Maybe everything Mason said wasn't true. I'm not who he said I was. Those are just words, and I need to believe in myself more. I take a deep breath and shake the thoughts away, focusing on the now.

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