Chapter 37: Corruption

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I'm knocked forward as the door swings open blinds me temporarily with light. I'm grabbed by my arm roughly to standing. Then, I am half-dragged and half-pulled down the hallway. I flinch at little bit but am disorientated as I'm moved quickly down the hallways. We eventually head down a flight of steps and to the basement. How stereotypical.

"Be gentle, will ya? Where are my brothers? You've got the wrong gal! HELP!" I yell as they continue to bring me downstairs. I try to yell for help, in hopes of a decent cop of hearing my yells. 

"Shut her up." One of the guys grab a rag and puts it around my mouth. Rude. I spit it out. 

My heart clenches as we stop and I see the scene before me. Except for the two men behind me, there's one other person in the basement. Mason sits before me all bloodied and beaten. He looks absolutely terrible. 

"Mason!" I try to scream and he slowly raises his eyes up. One eye is swollen shot but his other eye widens in surprise. He tries to move and get out of his chair but his wrists are bound behind the chair. He struggles against his restraints furiously.

I escape from the officers' grip and run to Mason. I lean forward and almost cry. "Oh my god...Mason." I'm too afraid to touch him in fear of hurting him. 

"Why are you here?" He croaks out painfully. "What are you doing here? You should be at camp?"

"My camp ended early. I came in for a police report due to a break-in at your place. There were intruders and they called me in to see if i could identify any of them at this station. We need to get you out of here." I say in a rush, almost forgetting my current situation. I really don't know what to do. My martial arts training stopped when I became actively training for soccer a year or two back. I can defend myself against the men, but my body isn't bullet-proof. 

"No, you need to get out of here." Mason tries to get out of his restraints. I don't have the keys to his handcuffs and his wrists are all blistered and bleeding. 

"A touching reunion, ain't it?" We whip our head towards the voice. I see it's his father. 

"Mr. Miretti, help him! Mason's really injured." I gasp and almost go to him before I see his very indifferent expression. Stepping back from him, I remember what Mason said about how his dad was an evil son of a bitch. It finally clicks as to why the police are corrupt. I just don't understand why I am here.

"My dear son..." he clicks his tongue disapprovingly. "You tried so hard but you're only a weak, helpless boy. You can't even protect your own little girlfriend." His face distorts into a sneer. 

"Why are you doing this?" Mason sighs half-heartedly. The light in his eyes dim as he looks at his father. His expression slowly closes off and resembles the Mason I saw in high school. He looks distant and cold. It's a Mason that I don't quite recognize, and it's making me a little wary. 

"Still playing innocent, eh?" His father leans forward and taps the butt of his gun against Mason's cheek. "I know it's you who got that annoying investigator on my tail. He is quite difficult to get rid of, you know? You've made some dangerous enemies by playing detective with that man. Do you know what would happen if that investigator snitched on all of us? This entire city would collapse. I can't have that, especially if it's my own damn son. I raised you and this is how you treat me?" 

His grave expression appears to grow troubled as Mason's father looks at Mason and then to me. I gulp and step back instinctively as it lingers on me dangerously. There is some crazy in those eyes, and I really don't like it. I can see Mason fiddling with the handcuffs as I walk behind him to cover the actions. I hope he manages to escape the cuffs, because I sure as hell don't know how to. However, this situation isn't getting any better. 

"So, what I want you to do is call this entire investigation off with your investigator friend. We really don't want my bosses coming down and clean this entire thing. And if my bosses have to lift a finger, well, you're the least of my worries." His father looks annoyed, but I have a feeling that his words hold a dangerous warning. We might have the same definitions of "clean." I wonder how far the corruption goes? Does it go up to the city mayor, other police departments, the county...the state? I don't know if I want to know. 

"And to make sure you get it done, I will be taking good care of your girlfriend. We can get to know each other and I can show her your baby pictures or something." His words hold no ounce of affection as he smiles at me. I feel very uncomfortable under his gaze. 

"Don't you dare touch her." Mason escapes his handcuffs before trying to lunge at his father. However, the two men behind him block his way and grab onto him.

"Time is the essence. You better hurry now..." His unfazed father barely bats an eye as his bodyguards half-drag and half-carry Mason out of the room. He struggles against their grip and makes eye contact with me. 

His eyes widen in worry and sadness as he mouths, I'm sorry. 

"I'll be fine...Please be safe," I try to smile and let him know I can protect myself. However, I don't know if I can even do that. I still trust him and believe that he will come back. Somehow, I want him to bring his father and everyone corrupt down. It's the right thing to do. Yet, I feel as though Mason is going to save me even if he has to sacrifice himself. And that's what makes me worry about him. 

When the door closes and Mason is out of sight, it's just me, his father, and one other police officer in the basement. It gives me a small solace to have the officer standing guard at the basement entrance, even if he's also technically evil too. 

"I'm not going to bite. You're a little too much skin and bones for my taste anyways." His wolf-like grin shows he's anything but innocent. Then, he turns away and answers a call. He walks away from me and towards the only entrance and exit of the basement. 

I sigh in part relief. I grab the metal chair and push it towards the corner. Sitting on it, I sit there and wait patiently. 



The next chapter will be in Mason's POV. THANKS for reading! I will update soon. I think I'll have 5-10 chapters before the book ends. 



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