Chapter 10: Hello Kitty Snuggies

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"What are you doing here?" I glare at Mason.

"Wow, someone is a bit feisty," he widens his eyes in surprise. "Did you just have a panic attack?"

"It's none of your damn business," I snap at him. I feel anger swell deep within me, but I try to keep it down. I run my fingers in my hair and adjust my clothes. Turning around, I reach for the doorknob to leave.

"Wait--" Mason grabs hold of my shoulder. I shrug him off and open the door to leave.

"Dels," he reaches over once more.

"I'm done waiting and have been done for a while. You have no business sticking your nose back in my life," I stare angrily. I start toward the hallway, which thankfully no students are paying attention to their surroundings. I walk and try to mingle with the crowd of students, hoping to lose Mason.
I feel ashamed and embarrassed to have exposed my weak side in front of him. Of all people, it just HAD to be Mason who saw this happen to me.

"Delany," Mason grabs both of my shoulders and pushes me roughly onto the wall. I glance around quickly, hoping nobody is watching. The students have their faces glued to their smartphones, so I doubt they have noticed our little interaction.

"What." I scowl and move away from him. He's invading my personal space.

"Let me just --" Mason pleads.

"--save it." I shove him away quite forcefully.

He doesn't know when to quit, does he? He's a little too late to act this way. He grabs my wrist but before he can pull me over, someone prevents him. I glance at the new hand holding my arm and look up at the owner.

"Hunter," I sigh with relief at his familiar face. That's what I need, familiarity.

"Is he bothering you?" Hunter eyes Mason. They both give each other a once-over and measures the other person. I don't think they liked what they saw for both of them frown ever so slightly.

"Who's this?" Mason glowers at Hunter. He tenses up as the two watch each other carefully.

"He's my--" I am about to say.

"Boyfriend," Hunter finishes my sentence and interrupts. Boyfriend?

"Boyfriend?" Mason looks equally as shocked as me. He glances at me for confirmation.

"And who are you to her?" Hunter steps in front of me. If they all go macho man on each other, I will not hesitate whooping their asses. I glance at the students who are beginning to see the commotion.

"He's just some guy," I shrug, pulling at Hunter. I don't like attention.

Mason makes eye contact with me, his eyes hold an unreadable emotion. I watch as he shields himself, closing himself from the world. It's something I've seen him do a lot.

I immediately feel guilty that I hurt his feelings. Mason glances at Hunter and I with a blank mask.

"Let's go," I pull Hunter again. We leave Mason standing there alone

"sorry." I apologize, for this and what just happened before.

"It's okay. Are you feeling better?" He stares at me worriedly.

"I'm fine." I reassure him. I must have appeared in bad shape as I rushed to get away from them.

I sneeze as a gust of wind blows by. It's a lot colder than I thought. My tank barely keeps me warm.

"Would you like to wear my jacket?" Hunter pulls out a football hoodie with his name and number on it. "It's clean." I'm almost laughing at this cheesy move. Then again, with Hunter he probably is straightforward with his actions.

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