Chapter 32: Crazy

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"You're crazy." Fran shakes her head. "And I know crazy because I'm crazy."

"I-" I begin to defend myself.

"No, you listen here. I love you, but having Mason involved in your life will only lead to heartbreak multiple times. That boy is no good for you. Haven't you learned anything by now?" She emphasizes. 

"Damn, you didn't have to be such a bitch bout it." A part of me is hurt by her words, but I try not to let it dig too deep. 

"I'll be whatever you want me to be if it means saving you from that nasty boy."

"he's changed."

"Oh really now?"

"Yeah, I think so. The light in his eyes have changed." 

She bursts out laughing. "Did you just fucking say his light in his eyes have changed? That's some romantic bullshit you read in those damn books."

"Since when were you so mature?" I roll my eyes.

"Excuse me?" She snaps at those words.

"You hear me." I narrow my eyes. 

"You know what? I'm just trying to look out for you. I'm only trying to be your caring friend. I don't want you going through what I went to. In fact, I want you to do better and be better. I know you can do it. Why are you doing this to yourself!" She ends her tirade with a loud shout of frustration before sitting down on my bed and grumbling to herself. 

"Yo. You all okay?" I hear my brother Finn awkwardly knock on my closed bedroom door.

"We're fine!" Fran and I shout back in unison. Then, we look at each other and start giggling. I guess we realize how stupid it is to fight over some dumb boy.

"Girl, I know you're smart and independent. You know how to take care of yourself. Just be careful? NO matter how much you think he has changed, he can't have changed that much from his old ways."  She gathers her things. "I need to run to my internship. I'll see you soon?"

"Your internship? Since when?" I must have been way too busy with my life that I barely caught up with hers. All I know is that she's attending Parsons for fashion design in New York City. It's incredibly far away but I know she's going to do well. She last minute decided to secretly apply early. Unsurprised, she was accepted. I was a little mad at her for leaving me, but it is what it is. I'm proud of her. 

"Last week, one of the designers for a fashion show was in a car accident. I was going to intern and be their runner, but they decided they wanted me to be a designer. It's really rare, but I'll be working one on one with the head designer for their team. I'll also gone for most of the summer." She look sad, but I can tell that she's also very excited for this opportunity. 

"I'm so happy for you. I'm proud you're doing such amazing things!" I get excited for her and hug her in delight. 

"Thank you girlie. You the best too," she blushes and smiles. Then, she hurries out. 

I sigh and throw myself on my bed. I glance up at the stars on my ceiling. Once again, my mind and heart don't align. I find myself yearning for Mason but also wanting to run the fuck away from him. Still, I already decided. 

I'm going with my heart. 

I must be going crazy. 

Fran might be right. Still, I'm sticking with this decision. 

I turn my head at the sound of light tapping on my bedroom window. Of course, it's Mason. I. motion for him to come in.

"You should definitely keep this window locked." He reminds me again and again. 

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