Chapter 15: It's a PAIR of disaster

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"Oh my..." A voice says, accompanied by two thuds like something has dropped.

I see a pair of fuzzy Iron Man slippers through the opening of our blanket fortress. I assume it's Allen since he loves Iron Man. I lazily turn back to my side and try to get comfortable. My pillow feels really hard. I prod it but somebody slaps my hand.

"Stop it," Allen mutters sleepily.

I realize I'm sleeping on his back. The four of us are an entangled mess.

Wait, if that's Allen, who is...

"BOOOOO!" My uncles scream loudly as they destroy my fortress by jumping on it.

"Alert! Alert! We're under attack! Mayday! Mayday!" Ollie stands straight up. Well, he tries to but it's quite difficult due to our current state.

"WHERE? WHO? WHAT?" Finn climbs on top of Ollie's back as he pretends to shoot the intruders with his dangerous television remote.

"HELP! SAVE ME! I'M SHOT! I'M DYING!" Ollie freezes as my Uncle Mark pelts him at his head with his gun--it's a hand-made gun that shoots semi-soft balls of doom. Both of my uncles hold the gun and shoot them with it.

"Cover! Cover!" Tweedledee and tweedle dum scream and shout.

"Go without me! Go! Survive! You must live without me!" Ollie pushes Finn away and pretends to die.

I open my eyes and watch the scene. I'm rather comfortable just laying here. Boy, the four of them are so immature. I'm glad Allen can be mature for once.

Right when I think that Allen jumps up and roars, "SILENCE!"

The four of them all stare at him in shock, waiting to hear what he has to say.

"YOU GUYS DESTROYED MY F**KING FORT! HOW DARE YOU!" He screams at the top of his lungs.

All of us back away from his wrath.

"They did it!" The twins and I point to our Uncles.

"Traitors!" The two of them gasp and try to put the blame on the other.

Allen makes some type of Tarzan roar or chant before leaping towards our Uncles. It's glorious. It's a full on football tackle actually.

"MAYDAY! MAYDAY!" They start screaming as they grab a pillow to hit Allen with.

"Sucks." I grin and whistle innocently as I make my way to the kitchen counter. I start making my cup of coffee as I watch all the boys fight. Yes, my uncles are no better than immature boys.

After their pillow fight, the nerd guns somehow are out as a full-on battle ensues.

"IF ANY OF YALL HIT ME AS I DRINK MY COFFEE, I WILL GO MONKEY SHIT ON YOU!" I scream at them, glaring at every single one to show them I mean it.

"Yes, ma'am!" They salute in fright.

I nod in delight as I sit on the kitchen stool and watch them.

Today is a good day.

The fight goes on for a while so I set on making my favorite blueberry pancakes. The aroma soon fills the air and next thing I know I have four puppies staring at me. Correction: four boys with puppy dog eyes begging for a pancake.

"Tough luck." I smack Ollie and Finn over their heads with a kitchen towel.

"AWWW! But..but..." The twins say before I kick them out.

Of course, they go on to play video games with Allen.

"Whew," my uncles say as they take off their shirts and fan themselves.

"Is it hot in here or what?" They both ask with sweat rolling down their foreheads.

"Oh my god." I gasp and point to the thing on Uncle Mark's chest. "You got a tattoo! I thought you hated tattoos..."

He grimaces and shoots a glare at Uncle Chris, who snickers and flies away.

"It's not that bad. I mean I'm a Supernatural fan too." I say. "It's kind of cool you got the tattoo for a demon ward."

"Except I don't watch Supernatural." Uncle Mark frowns. "This dweeb does." He sticks his thumb to his right.

"Hey. I thought it would be cool okay? Plus, we were both...not in the right minds." He defends.

Mark stays silent. He hated tattoos. Well, he hated needles not tattoos. "So uh...pancakes anyone?" I offer my plate to them to ease their tension.

"Sure." Uncle Chris beam.

"DID I HEAR THE WORD PANCAKE?" The twins and Allen perk up, eyes wide in anticipation.
Regardless of our healthy diet, we all fall weakness to delicious pancakes.

"Eh eh eh." I wave my finger and scoot the plate back. "What are you going to say?"

"Thank you!" They cheer.

"You're very welcome." I laugh.

"So...I heard a boy made you cry?" Uncle Mark says mid-chew.

Uncle Chris whacks him on the back of his head.

"What was that for!" He shouts.

"You can't just ask her that!" Allen whispers heatedly.

"Yeah, who knows how she will react!" Finny whisper-shouts.

"I know right." Ollie says in equal volume.

"I'm right here you guys!" I get a bit irritated.

"Oh yeah....." They stare at me as if they actually forgot I was here.

"So who do we need to pound!" Uncle Mark, the responsible and serious one, says once more. 

"And you're supposed to be smart." Uncle Chris groans. He shakes his head in disappointment.

"Mark!" My brothers shake their heads. 

"Emotions suck." Mark shrugs. "I'm not about to let the kid who made my niece cry get away. He needs a lesson on how to treat a lady."

"You guys are aggravating." I sigh and slump in my stool. 

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