Chapter 27: Anger

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I wake up in a jolt, though I didn't even realize I fell asleep. Shivering, I rub my arms riddled with goosebumps in hopes of warming my body temperature. The cold ocean breeze grows colder by the passing seconds. I look around and see the silhouettes of people approaching me. For a second, I assume it's my brothers looking for me. Grabbing my phone, I press the power button to turn on the black screen. However, its black screen shows that the battery is dead. 

I stumble a bit as I get up, my foot is asleep from napping in an awkward position. By this moment, I realize that the figures approaching me are not my brothers. In fact, I don't recognize them at all. They must be friends of someone at the party. 

"Hey did you happen to see any of the Greenes?" I call out to one of them. At this point, I can smell the faint scent of alcohol but their eyes shine soberly. The three of them pause and seem to be surprised to see me there. I step back a little as I realize that if any or all of them have bad intentions, then this is a not a favorable situation for me. 

I hate how females have to be aware of this. That we have to think twice about everything because some parents did not raise their sons right. 

"The Greenes?" The curly haired guy on the right pauses to think about it. His hooded eyes gives him a shifty appearance that makes me a little nervous. Looking at the three of them, they appear to have the same blank looks. It seems like they do not know my brothers. Thus, it means they do not go to my school and are not from around here. 

"Oh. Okay. Thank you anyways." I get up and walk around them to go back to the party house. I can faintly see the glow of it so that means the party is still going on. I make sure to not turn my back against the men because I don't want to risk anything bad happening. 

"Hey, wait up." This time the lean and tall one on the left says. His dark hair and clear blue eyes look familiar, but I cannot remember where. Two out of the three are tall enough and handsome enough to look like models, but regardless of their looks, they are sketchy to be hanging out here so late. 

"Yes?" I pause, not wanting to be rude.

"Do you want us to walk you back? It's dangerous for a girl to be alone at night." He offers. I would accept except that this is another easy trick to get a girl to trust a stranger. Then, the stranger can lead her to an alley and rape her. 

"It's fine." I wave my phone. "I called my friend. He's coming out to get me." I smile quickly before shuffling back. 

"You sure?" They come a little closer, more than I like. My overactive imagination plays many scenarios in my mind, but I try to calm myself. I am sober enough so I know I can easily defend myself; however, they might be able to fight too. 

"Yes." I step back to give us some space. 

I jump in a fright as someone approaches me suddenly from behind. Oh God. 

"Are they bothering you Delany?" Mason puts his arm around my waist. HIs musky cologne and body heat immediately makes me relax. Surprisingly, he doesn't smell of alcohol.

"No. Everything is fine." I squeeze his arm reassuringly. 

"We were just going to see if we can walk her home. It's dangerous for a girl like her to be walking around at night."  The dark haired model speaks up.

"We will be on our way." The curly haired guy nods his head as the three of them continue on their way. 

I let out a breath of relief.  "Good thing nothing happened." I step away from him, immediately missing his warmth. 

"Here." He takes off his heavy leather jacket and swings it around my shoulders. He's wearing dark v neck shirt. 

"You'll be cold." I begin to protest.

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