Chapter 35

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Just like I predicted, my soccer summer camp was hectic. After a few weeks of training and getting to know many members, some of us were selected for the team. Most of those on the team were already practicing with each other and only two of us were newcomers. I was one of the youngest members so trying to get through the age barrier was difficult at first. I could tell the competition was high. At first, I didn't really realize just what the team I was on. The talent recruiter simply told me that it was a training camp and requirement training for a US team. I didn't realize that if I was picked I would be recruited for the US U20 youth women's soccer team. 

Everything spiraled and intensified as we approached our first match with Germany. It was traveling back to back as our team went against Canada, Mexico, England, Italy, and even the Tokyo team. What was supposed to be two months of camp became almost the entire summer. I could only call and text my family and Mason due to my constant traveling. Sometimes, the long distance would be difficult, but Mason and I made it work. 

I left a day early than expected so I could surprise my family and Mason. Excitement bubbles as I get to go home. My homesickness was rough sometimes during the camp. As I wait outside the airport, I wave as I see a familiar face pop out of the window of a car.

"DEEELLLLAAAAA! MY DEE!" Fran yells excitedly and waves with enthusiasm.

"HANDS ON THE WHEEL!" I gasp as my truck get dangerously close to a couple cars. I almost close my eyes and pray. 

I throw my stuff in the trunk before hopping into the driver's seat. 

"Oh my god, you won't believe all the juicy gossip I heard about all these sorts of supermodels and celebrities. I couldn't tell you everything over the phone, but I can tell you now." Fran's eyes sparkles as she get ready to tell me all the secrets about everyone she met. I kind of loose track of everyone's name as I don't follow up on a lot of them. 

"Wait-" I pause as she mentions a soccer player I'm familiar with. "What did you say about Antonio Lutachalli?" Antonio and I met briefly in a club in England. I wouldn't have went if the entire soccer team and other soccer players were going there as an after party. 

"Of course, always the soccer players." She smirks. "Antonio Lutachalli has a fine Italian ass. He's also really down to earth...I heard that he's dating the asian supermodel Sera!" I sigh. It's all just more gossip.

"Oh, how's you and Jonathan?" I don't want to be judgmental but I'd be surprised she didn't break things off with him as she explored the fashion industry. 

"Jonathan and I are great! He came to visit me a couple times." Her eyes soar and fill with love. I feel so happy for her right now. "He's actually quitting his job soon. He got a better offer in New York as a math professor at NYU! He's going to move in with me. We found a place that is walkable."

I almost slam on my brakes. "And you didn't tell me first that you were going to move in with him?"

"I just told you?" She sounds confused at my suddenness.

"This is important! It's a huge thing!" I gasp. 

"I know...I haven't even told anyone but you," she sighs and looks away from me.

"I'm happy for you." I smile sincerely. "This is a huge step. You're doing amazing."

"Thanks. That means a lot..." she gives me a small smile. 

"ANYWAYS, I'LL TALK TO YOU LATER!" She hops out as soon as she sees her house. 

"You're not off the hook, missy." I yell out to her.

"Have fun with your boy!" Fran grins as I drop off her off at her place. "We will talk tomorrow about EVERTYHING!" She hollers and winks. I'm glad she's still the same and that money and fame has not corrupted her. 

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