Chapter 8: The Interrogation

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"Please fill out your name, date of birth, address, social security number, family member and information, number of girlfriends, sexual status, and health status." I slam the form in front of my subject.

That's what I imagine myself saying and doing.

What I actually say is, "Hi. I'm Delany, Francesca's best friend. I've heard a lot about you. Please, let's get to know each other." I stick my hand out to shake Franny's boyfriend.

"It's nice to finally meet you." Jonathan shakes my hand firmly. He's actually the completely opposite of what I expected. I mean I'm not even sure what I expected anymore but certainy not this bookish man before me. Franny usually go for the jocks, flirts, or cocky bad boys. She's the no strings attached type of girl but this guy looks like the settle down type. But still, he rocks the thick-frammed, black glasses with his grey-blue eyes and ruffly-feathered hair. "I'm Jonathan."

"Well, let's get down to business. I've known Franny since we were babies. I'm very protective of her. First of all, she's jail bait. Why are you going after her?" I watch him closely. I believe in straightforwardness.

"I like her." He shrugs. Yeah, like that totally answers my question.

"Not good enough. You could be a pedophile," I shake my head and lean back on my chair. I clasp my fingers together on the table and give him a stern look. I'm trying for a serious appearance. "Try again."

"She's a great girl, but she has that vulnerability about her that seems to be heavily shielded from everyone. I feel like I have this connection with her on a deeper level, that I can reach her somehow. I can empathize with her actually. I went through a similar situation too." He gives a solemn expression.

"Ahem," I clear my throat awkwardly . He seems geniune maybe. "That was wonderful, poetic even."

Then, I remember I have to be a hardass.

"Alright, you're 22 years old and a college professor. I'm assuming that you are either a brilliant guy or you are in some shady business mister." I continue to frown. I'll start with the minor questions first. "What do you teach?"

"Is this an interrogation?" Jonathan chuckles lightly. I see no humor.

Grabbing my sketchbook, I pretend to write down notes based off his responses. I'm actually doodling, but he doesn't know that.

"Alright," his smile slips away. "I guess I am above my age group a bit. I graduated early from high school at sixteen and from graduate school at twenty-one. I've only received my credentials to teach as a college professor recently Currently, I am teaching Mutivariable Calculus at the local university. I am also in school getting my doctorates, but that's going to take a few years."

"Huh, math." I nod as I continue to pretend I'm taking notes on him. I bite my pen as I ask, "How'd you meet her?"

"My mother and sister know her mother." He shrugs.

"And?" I motion for him to continue.

"And one day my sister Lizzie forgot her purse in my car so I drove to the restaurant that they were all at. That was the first time I saw Fran. She was a peculiar girl." He smiles fondly. "Plus, our mothers have been pushing us to meet. You know mothers and their matchmaking ways."

"Mhm," I say with a underlining note of suscipion. "You do know that Franny's parents are loaded. Her father is going to hand his company to her. You sure you aren't just her for her money?" I give him my best glare.

"Who do you take me for?" Jonathan looks genuinely offended. I guess that is plus one in my book.

"Hm okay," I nod. "So girlfriends?"


"A strapping, intelligent man like you?" I voice my doubt.

"Apparently girls like bad boys more than bookish guys like me."

"Okay then," I purse my lips and continue dooding.

"Alright, what exactly are you taking notes on?" He leans over to glance at the paper that is hidden away from his view.

"That's for me to know." I take a mental note on his straightforwardness.

"So does it bother you that she is obviously underage?"

"Well, it's not illegal if we don't do anything."

"You haven't done the deed!" I gasp shockingly.

"She wants us to get to know each other," he ignores my response. "I'm willing to wait until she's ready."

"We're done here." I snap my leather bound notebook that is actually my sketchbook. "It was a pleasure meeting you."

"Wait, that's it?" I dont' get to know who my girlfriend's best friend is?"

"Another time," I smile.
"Honestly, I'm surprised you even showed up. This is an unconventional way of meeting you but you still came. Thank you." I tell him sincerely.
"Well, Francesca isn't a conventional girl. It was nice meeting you since I have heard a lot about you."
I arch an eyebrow questioningly. I wonder what she has told him.

I whip out my phone as I head towards my car.

I text:

Franny, he's a great guy. I approve.

I frigging told you he's great!

I answer her phone call as she calls me.

"He's different right? He's good for me!" She exclaims.

"Yes, he's great for you." I grin at her excitedness. "Just please be careful anyways."

"Of course Dela dear," she replies.

"I'm going to head on over to your place. You're there?"

"No, I'm at the gym, " she answers.

"The gym? Since when do you go to the gym?" I wonder.

"Since today!"

"I guess I'm coming over to the gym then huh?" I laugh. The girl is spontaneous. "Which one are you at?"


"Aight, I'll see you in twenty minutes."

"Later girly!" She chirps.

"See you." i repeat. I enter my car and drive back to my house to grab workout attire. I have a gym membership already, but I rarely go since I'm busy with soccer. My brothers made me get one, but it's not like I even need it with the amount of training I got already.

"I'm heading out to UFC!" I shout to whoever is home before I leave again.

"Wait! Wait!--" Footsteps come speeding from upstairs. "WAITTTT!"

"I heard you the first time you dweeb," I roll my eyes at Finn. "Finny boy, you're driving if you want to go to UFC with me."

"Fine," he sighs pitifully.

"How'd you get ready in under five minutes?"

"I don't get how you don't get ready under five minutes," he frowns. "Enough talk, I want to go workout! I'll leave without you!" He runs to the garage.

"I was the one who invited you!" I shout in good humor. I follow him.

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