Chapter 28: Boys

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A/N Boys by Charli XCX is stuck in my head. Here's a little bit of fun for ya. ^_^ hehe.

"Hey. You listening?" Fran taps my shoulder gently. She pouts and pokes me between my eyebrows, "Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I shrug.

"You've been in that head of yours," her eyes cloud with worry.

"I'm just thinking about college and soccer. Don't worry about it." I laugh lightly.

"Oh yeah! I can't believe the Stanford and UCLA soccer coach both contacted you. You're amazing!" Her face exudes such happiness for me. My heart is touched at how proud she looks.

"I know," I give her a genuine smile, "I never thought that would happen." My soccer team did end up winning the CIF championships. I probably scored half the goals and gained the attentions of many scouts. I got offers from Stanford and UCLA, among other schools. Despite my year, they both want to recruit me once I become a college freshman. However, it seems like Stanford is looking to be pricy. My parents did create a college fund for all of us, but Stanford is still pretty pricey. 

As always, Fran and I are in a coffee shop studying and socializing. The heavy scent of coffee helps soothe my mind. It's my first time at this coffee shop; it's called Devout Coffee. She somehow discovered this shop hidden deep in the hills which overlook the city. I want to say it's a vintage, cute house that was refurnished for this business. A lot of college hipsters frequent this shop. 

My mind drifts off to Mason. Lately, he's all I can think about. I haven't seen him since the party. It's been a month now. There has been a lot of gossip and rumors about him. The most popular one is that he was arrested for some crime. Then, there is also the rumor he dropped out and became heavily involved in a gang. 

I don't believe the rumors--they seem too far-fetched. The police did investigate, but they dropped it fairly quickly. If I think about it, then it would make sense as to why the police barely put an effort. There weren't a lot of people in this city who cared about Mason a whole lot. It is upsetting, but true. I doubt his father would look that hard for him; in fact, he might even be thankful. His father did look for Mason to save face as he acted like the worried father he was. I did have the police question me, but I did not think it was right of me to blab about Mason's story. 

I wonder where he is. It is not like I was his girlfriend. I sent him a call and texted him like a worried friend would, but he never replied. Then, there's also the situation with Hunter. 

I groan momentarily. After my soccer game, he came up to me and confessed his interest in me. Simply put, he liked me and wanted to go on a date with me. 

I asked him for more time to respond. Then, I avoided him like a plague. I was interested in him, but I also had feelings for Mason. I didn't know whether my feelings for both Mason and Hunter were romantic or not. Franny, of course, urged me to give him a chance to see where my feelings would lead me. 

I went on a date with Hunter last week. Honestly, it was amazing. He brought me to a roller rink where we dressed up to the 80s theme. After rollerblading, we ordered to go some Thai food before heading to the drive-in movie theater.  The date also made me more confused. 

"You're thinking about boys, aren't you?" Fran brings me out of my head. "You've been really out of it lately." 

I open my mouth to respond, but Fran interrupts me before I can start, "Nu-uh. It's been a month now. I didn't want to bring it up, but Mason's disappearance has really messed you up. Then, there's also the situation with Hunter. You do know you can talk to me right? I'm there for you. You don't have to deal with all this yourself." 

"I just can't sort out of my feelings...or my life. Nothing is how I expect. I feel like I'm accomplishing nothing right now...that I'm lost. I don't know what the hell I want to do or how to do it." I vent out in anger. I'm mad at my helplessness. 

"You know I love you, but girl...WAKE. UP." She emphasizes the words by shaking me roughly by the shoulders.

"We've grown up together since we were babes. I know you like the back of my hand." She continues. I wait for the point of her little speech. 

"You're strong, independent, kind, hardworking, smart...the list goes on and on. You should have more confidence in yourself. We are still in high school; I think it's safe to say that you don't have to know what exactly you want to do right now. You're very capable of accomplishing amazing things. You're way too hard on yourself. I know you care about Hunter and Mason, but think deeply. Who would you take a bullet for? Who do you think about more? Who do you think of when you wake up, or go to bed? Don't dwell too hard on this. Live your life."

"I..." I begin hesitantly, "I think that..." Fran stops me.

"You don't need to tell me your decision. Like I said, I know you, perhaps even better than yourself. I know." She smiles compassionately. I'm a little surprised at her maturity. Throughout our years of friendship, I always find myself acting like her mother or older sister. For once, the tables have turned. I feel like Jonathan is a good influence on her. 

"You're the best." I get up to hug her. 

"I know." She winks.

I look at my phone and gulp. Taking a deep breath, I open a new text message to send to Hunter. Can we talk? 



Hello all!

I had to wipe my computer and try to fix some computer issues. Unfortunately, not everything got fixed, but this is a story for another time. I know, this chapter is fairly short..but I'll make a longer one next time!

Please let me know how you like this story and chapter. I don't know if anyone reads this anymore, but thank you if you are still patiently reading this story. 

Have a wonderful day :) 



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