Chapter 31: Love

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"I'm heading out with some friends for grad night." Allen reminds my Uncles before heading to leave. 

The twins and I share a look. We both know that he's going to a party rather than the School-planned graduation night.

"Are you going to stay overnight?" Uncle Chris doesn't look that worried.

"Probably. I'll text you or something." Allen shrugs.

"Stay safe and let us know if you need anything." Uncle Mark nods without really paying attention.

"Yeah! Night. I love all of you so much," Allen waves before leaving. He's in a really good mood. 

"So I have the graveyard shift. I'll be heading out. I wish I could stay tonight and hangout with all of you, but another time." My Uncle Chris sighs as he glances at his watch. 

"Before you go, let me brew you some coffee. I also can pack you some snacks." I quickly head to the kitchen. 

"That'd be nice of you." He smiles tiredly. He overworks himself sometimes but he really likes the private clinic or hospital he is working for. His boss who opened it invites all her employees over for a yearly dinner party gathering. She usually rents out some place and it's a fancy time. My uncles and siblings try to go because it's always fun to dress up and eat delicious food. All the people who work with my uncle are kindhearted people who want to do some good in the world. 

"We're also headed out," Ollie and Finny walk into the kitchen. 

"Where to?" I ask, suspecting it's probably some graduation party. 

"Some of our graduating senior friends rented a beach house." Ollie says.

"We'll probably be back tomorrow too." Finns mentions. 

"Remember to let us know the details. And, for the love of God, please don't drink too much or at all." Chris shakes his head. My uncles both know that my brothers all party. They don't like underage drinking, but they trust all of us enough to make smart choices. That's pretty cool of them. However, they all are definitely more overprotective of me just because I'm the only girl living here. 

"Yessir," they salute in unison before heading out. 

"Are you headed out too?" I ask Uncle Mark.

"Sorry, Dela. I have to finish a huge research publication that is due by the end of the week. I would have loved to stay here with you." 

"I'll be here all alone." I sigh sadly. However, I am fine with it because I'm tired anyways. Plus, I am forever off partying. 

"Here you go," I pour the coffee for both my uncles, who thank me. "I'll see you soon." They both leave the house.

The house seems big and lonely once they all leave. A part of me is always paranoid when I'm alone at home and get nervous. I rush upstairs and get ready for bed. When I'm finally refreshed from my shower, I head back to my room.

"Who's there?" I stop. There's someone in my room. I immediately grab my baseball bat next to my door and squint in the dark. Turning on the lights, I run to use the bat. 

I stop as I recognize the intruder.

"Holy fucking shit dude! I could have killed you!" I shout in anger.

"Glad to see you too," Mason smirks familiarily. 

"You've really got some nerve showing up in my bedroom late at night, especially after disappearing for months."

His smirk falters just a little.

"You better say something good or I'll actually use this bat on you." I threaten. I watch him carefully. At a first glance, he looks the same. However, the air around him is different. He seems more mature, as if he has experienced things no person his age should experience. At the same time, he always had that air around him. It just seems more pronounced right now. 

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