Chapter 13: This was a mistake.

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I can do this. I can do this.

Armed with my metal baseball bat, I clutch the handle in a deathly grip. I briefly wonder if my overconfidence in my abilities will be my downfall. I did have a black belt in karate, but I have never actually put any of my techniques to use. I have only sparred with my sparring partners, who are usually my brothers. It is ingrained in my mind to never use karate for anything but self-defense. I should never use it to harm someone, nor use it for selfish reasons.

Okay, I may have also showed off a little bit with some nifty tricks in soccer.

I briefly pause as i reevaluate everything. What if I end up entering into something I should not be entering into? Why am I even coming here and risking my life for Mason?I lower my bat and contemplate as I stare at the abandoned building behind the multitude of trees and a metal-linked fence. It is too late to turn back now. Plus, seeing this building, it has awakened the dangerous beast within me. My curiousity has been piqued and whenever that happens, I cannot stop myself from wanting to know what has happened.

From the outside, it just looks normal. I would have guessed it to be some sort of closed, run down factory. It is actually more secluded than I expected. Whatever this factory used to be, it required a lot of space since there are not many buildlings around here. There is nobody around and nothing to hear: a perfect murder scene waiting to happen if you ask me. I glance at my GPS to make sure I am in the correct location.

I walk alongside the fence, searching for some sort of opening. There must be one if Mason supposedly comes here a lot. I would climb the fence except it is at least twenty feet tall? I do not know how sturdy it is. At least, i see an opening under the shadows of a tree and enter.

I approach the front door carefully, holding the bat once more. Leaning forward, i twist the handle of the metal door, which is locked. it requires a lot of strength to knock down a door and i would rather enter discreetly. Going to the side, I search for an opened window or door around. I stop abruptly as I hear a whistling coming around the corner. Peeking past the wall, I see a man guarding a door as he whistles casually. He looks like a fitness trainer with his confident strides and built frame. Perhaps he could be one of those friendly gym trainers you would encounter on daily basis with the exception of his gun in his belt and another in his hand.

I have never been trained to fight against someone with a gun. Well, technically i kind of have but I would rather not face some dude who could kill me. I back up and retrace my steps. This time I realize I missed something. I glance upwards and notice an opened window. The tree to the left is just tall enough for me to climb and jump into the window.

After several minutes longer than I expect, I manage to enter the window. With cautiousness, I cling onto the window frame before glancing inside. I am in a storage room. I let go and land softly on my toes. The storage room looks fairly used as I see a lack of dust. This time the doorknob to the door opens easily as I exit.

Okay, maybe I did not think things through completely. As soon as I open the door, I realize I must have been too much in my thoughts to notice the loud roaring of a crowd right outside. There are people, a lot of people, right outside. Luckily, there seems to be something going on so everyone is faced the other way. I slip easily into the crowd and thank that nobody saw me. That was a close call. I squeeze through the people as they yell and scream. I try to hop a bit to see past the heads. No luck.

There are four makeshift bleachers with bystanders sitting on it. If i imagine it correctly, the bleachers are formatted into a square facing the middle. No, it is a diamond. There are more people standing around the area. I try to make out the words of the chants, but there are too many things going on.

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