Chapter 16: Matchmaking

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"I found some single ladies in the area, and I did not use a single dating app." I say to my uncles, whose faces both look horrified.

"You cannot be single forever." I point to the chairs around me and glare at them. They look like they are about to book it. 

"Our lives are fine as is." They both say.

"You're going to die single." I frown.

"Ouch." They hold their hearts and pretend to cry.

"Just one date. Please!" I beg them.

"After what happened, I know and do respect your decisions. If you really don't want to go back into the dating field, I completely understand." I say carefully towards Chris. 

"And I know you said you would go into the dating field if he did." I point out to Mark. 

Their eyes soften. "We will try." 

"Yes. Yes!" I squeal and hug the two of them.

"If you two could just fill out this questionnaire, then I'll be off." I smile.

They give me strange looks before sighing and mumbling to themselves.

"Excuse me?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Where's a pen?" The two of them ask innocently.

"I thought so." I narrow my eyes. "Chop! Chop!" I say.

"Sheesh. Give us time, will you?" Uncle Mark shoos me away.

"Fine!" I roll my eyes. "Let me know when you finish."

"Yes ma'am."

"You still trying to get them dates?" Allen comes strolling into the kitchen and searches for food in the refrigerator.

"So what?" I frown. He's giving me a judging tone.

"They can easily find women. Look at them. Plus, Chris is a surgeon and Mark is a psychologist. Those are attractive for a women."

"Are you saying girls are superficial and only care about men's look and money?" I dare him to say it.

"You're putting words in my mouth." Allen pauses and chugs some orange juice straight from its freaking container.

"Ugh. How many times do I tell you not to do that?" I cringe in disgust. "It's not sanitary."

Allen looks at the container and back at me. "Eh." He shrugs.

I grumble and stare at the ceiling. "Why did I have to be related to these Neanderthals?"

"Are you talking about yourself?" Allen smirks.

"Shut up." I roll my eyes and head towards my room. "And you two better finish the questionnaire." I point to my uncles, who have yet to start it.

I enter my room and shut the door. I sigh and turn on my desk lamp. As soon as I glance up, I accidentally make eye contact with Mason, who is standing directly across from me in his room. I scowl and immediately shut the blinds.

If I could, I would switch rooms with one of the twins. However, it is too difficult to change rooms. Plus, my brothers will be suspicious.

Glancing at my recent unfinished painting, I take out my paint set and continue. Who cares about homework right now? I'm going to focus on my art.

"BOO!" Someone yells in my ear.

"HOLY MOTHER OF FREAKING GAH!" I shout and drop my paint brush.

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