Chapter 39

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Delany's POV

I'm moved upstairs, as if there is nothing more to hide. I find myself in a police office. My heart sinks as I clearly see the corruption going on. One of the guards, who I can clearly see his uniform, zip ties my wrists together. Then, he does the same for my ankles alongside the leg chairs. 

Mason's father comes back into the room. He grabs a chair and sits across from me. 

"You can do so much better than that little shit. Look what he dragged you into. All he did was lie to you." He shakes his head as if it's all Mason's fault I'm here.

I keep silent instead. I know he's only going to get me riled up. I'm also scared shitless. 

"Did he ever tell you the truth about your parents?" He smiles a little as he notices my attention on him. What is he talking about? 

I try my best to remain nonchalant, but he lures me in with his fishing line. This is dangerous territory but my curiosity is getting the better of me. He could be lying, but a part of me feels like he is not. 

"He was always a cheeky troublesome kid. He would cause trouble everywhere he went. That's why his mother left us. That kid is and always will be bad luck." He lights a cigarette and drags out my anticipation.

I almost want to scream at him. I want to demand him to tell me. 

"Ah, he's probably told you. I don't know how you can still be with him after that. You must be incredibly stupid or crazy. I don't know if I would be able to forgive the man who killed my parents." He seems to murmur to himself and gets up to walk away. 

"What did you say?" The words come out before I can stop them. 

He pauses. Slowly, he turns and looks at me carefully. A very slow smile crawls onto his face as he relishes my expression. I don't know what my expression is, but it sure gives him pleasure. 

"Mason killed your parents. He's the reason why you're an orphan." This time he cannot withhold his grin as he tells me this.

"Shut up. You're just lying." I shake my head in disbelief. He is making me doubt Mason. This i all part of his mind games. I need to stop falling for his tricks. 

"Oh yes, you have amnesia." He nods to himself as he sits back into the seat. "I remember your parents. They were very kind and everyone loved them. I recall you and your parents were driving back from some local event. On that night, Mason and I were also driving back home but he wasn't having it. That kid kept yelling and fighting against me. He made me lose control of the car and we got into an accident alongside the hills. Mason ran out of the car and that's when you and your parents came around the bend. They swerved to miss him but they hit the bend after rolling around a couple times." 

As he tells the story, I shake my head profusely. I knew it was a car accident. They said the poor lighting and weather conditions were huge factors. It was ruled as an accident. There were nobody involved. I only have some flashes of the accident. I just have an intense impression of sadness and fear. 

"The power line was down around you and we could not approach. We didn't know if any of you were alive. By the time the ambulance came, you were the only one alive huddled in your mother's arms. She protected you." 

"You're lying." I shake my head. None of this makes sense. I would have known if Mason and his dad were at the scene. My brothers would have told me. Mason would have told me. 

"What point is there to lie to you? You're just lying to yourself. Believe what you want." He merely gets up and leaves once more. I am not sure if he leaves to give me space or for the information to dwell deep inside my soul.

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