Chapter 22: What's college

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I open my eyes to bright lights and coldness.

"Where were you?"

I squint my eyes and wait for them to adjust.

"It's cold." I shiver. 

"Where were you?" Allen whispers. Im in the biggest trouble if he's quiet whispering. I want him to yell instead.

"I was out."


"Did you not bother checking your phone at all? Your brothers and I were worried to death!"

"Sorry! I was at Fran's!" I lie quickly.

"Of course. Fran." He says her name bitterly.

"You two should have answered your phones!" 

"I'm so sorry. I will update you next time!"

"Do you know what would have happened..if we actually lost you?"

"I'm so sorry! I'll remember to call you next time, okay?"

"Fine. We will talk about this later after work."

I leave quickly, but not before stopping at Starbucks.

And Fran comes in with a fierce look on her. 


"Huh." I pause and look at Fran mid-sip through my iced passion tango tea lemonade. "How did you find me?"

"Spill. Find my Friends." She takes my precious drink from me. That's mine.

"That's rude." I take my drink back. She pulls away farther, making the drink out of my reach. I glare at her immature antics. "You could have just asked me nicely like, "Hi, would you like to tell me what has been happening between you and Mason?" because I would have answered you back just as nicely."

"Fine. Please tell me about your day and if you boned Mason?" Fran blinks innocently as she takes a sip out of my drink.

I sit there blinking with an expressionless face. I am barely fazed by Fran's actions or words anymore.

"No, I have not boned Mason."

"But why haven't you?"

"I don't want to?" It's quite simple. If I don't want to, then I'm not going to.


"We cuddled and it was sweet." I shrug. "There's nothing more to it."

"Oh there is definitely something more to this," she eyes me. "Open up to me you little bitch. We're sisters."

"There really isn't." I get tired of all this boy drama. "Speaking of boys, how are you and Jonathan?" I try to change the topic.

 "Of course..." she mutters. Then, she sighs.

"What? Did something happen between the two of you?"

"No...I just..." she bites her lip in thought as she pauses. I wait for her to continue. "Well, I think he's the one."

"You don't sound happy."

"I am. I truly am. I just..."

"No. NO way. You can't just run away when you catch feels."

"Yes, you know what. You're right. I love him. I really do. I just can't get rid of the urge to run away."

"It's okay to feel that way. You're still growing and experiencing everything. I'm here if you need advice or someone to listen to you. I got you. Take it slowly and let it be." I smile sincerely to help cheer her up. Of course, this is something she needs to fix on her own. I believe she will get there.

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