Chapter 4: We got game

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"Huddle up!" I holler loudly to my team, pepped up with energy. "Hands in!"

"1-2-3...WARRIORS!" We cheer together and then disperse from out little circle.

I crack my knuckles as I walk onto the soccer field with my teammates. It's an away game so there is less people from my school in the stands. Nevertheless, I see a huge turnout; that is probably because Serendale is my rival school.

"DELLY!" My three stooges of my brothers scream my name. They wave and grin like little kids. I feel much better seeing their giddiness. I'm always a little nervous before a game. I wave back and smile.

I get into position on the field; my position is striker or Forward. Soccer is pretty much my life. I have other hobbies, but soccer will always be my number one sport. I've trained way too long and hard for it not to be. If only my parents saw me now, they'd be so proud. My dad was my own soccer trainer. I wish he would've been here when I was selected to play on the women's NSCAA All-American second team where they hand select talented individuals. It was a dream come true. This is my second year as an all-state player. Well, right now I'm playing at my school's team. I am considering going professional but that's a really big dream. I haven't told anyone yet but I am considering quitting my high school team because it has become very tiring and time demanding to play both.

"Hello?" Christy nudges my side with her elbow. "Earth to Dela?"

"Sorry," I grin sheepishly. "I'm focused and ready now." I shouldn't have been out of concentration.

And the game begins.

We start off pretty well off again the opposing team. Serendale is a very good team. They look more trained and organized this year. It sounds mean but they don't look as attractive anymore, more bulky and mean.

The boys must be bummed.

I dribble the ball right away as I start sprinting towards the goal. Immediately, two girls from Serendale rush towards me. I easily evade them and see Christy in my peripheral vision. We make eye contact.

I pass to her without thinking since she is wide open and at a distance to score a goal.

"DELA! WHAT WAS THAT!" Coach Rainier shouts.

Gah. I need to focus.

As a Forward, I try my best to score as many goals as possible. Yet, it's a habit that I assist my teammates sometimes. I know I need to be more selfish and score the goals myself.

Well, Christy scores and the score becomes 1-0! As the game progresses, out team bond shows as we all seem to move the ball effortlessly, repeatedly turning five or six one-touch passes into scoring chances while the Serendale sometimes needed two or three passes just to clear the ball out of the back line.

When we had possession, the ball pinballed between the players at full speed until the I got it and scissored through the defense, creating lovely havoc. No one could slow me down or stop me.

I love that adrenaline rush that courses through my veins. I feel unstoppable. And everyone cheers as I score my fourth goal of the game.

"DELA! DELA! DELA!" I hear my brothers chant. I am too in my game mode to pay much attention . Our team is leading by a lot now. 5-2 is the score.

I slice through to the end line in the last couple minutes and cross back into the path of two unmarked teammates at the penalty spot. A Serendale girl, who has been on my tail for a majority of the time, reaches the ball first and drives it past Kelly, our goalie, for a 5-3 score.

Damn it!

A few minutes later, my midfielder Lindsay lofts a ball down the middle of the field over the head of central defender. I sprint past the girl's partner, catch up to the ball outside the area, and drill it past their goalie.

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