Chapter 36: Family

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My body hurts as I slowly get up from the couch. "What time is it?" 

"Whoa...whoa...," My uncle Chris fusses over me. Mark and the twins rush over. 

"Are you okay? What happened?" They worry and crowd around me. 

"Give her some room!" My Uncle Chris glares at them and they all back away. 

I relay what happened at Mason's place and the men that might be looking for me. I stand up and reach for my phone. It's cracked but still works. I frown as Mason still hasn't responded back to my calls and messages. Alarms ring as I fear the worst. The guys could have him, though I don't even know if they are after him specifically. They could have been robbing the place since his landlords are still creative artists who make a sizable income through their pieces. 

"We should go to the police station and make a police report." Uncle Mark states. 

"We should also go to the hospital to get a quick check up," Uncle Chris adds on.

"Are they open at this hour? It's probably just stand-by officers who are on duty, right?" I question him about the police report. I don't think I've ever filed a police report. 

"Also, you said it yourself, I only have a mild concussion. I just have some scrapes and bruises that you've already bandaged." I don't see the point in paying bills at the hospital when I have my very own doctor. "I'm fine." 

"The police should have responders. Let me call them." My uncle Mark goes to the back room to call them. 

"Even if I'm a doctor, I'm still not perfect. You could have micro fragments of glass shards stuck in your cuts. It would be better if we double checked just to make sure I didn't miss anything," Uncle Chris responds. 

"Really, it's fine." I am very against hospitals since it reminds me too much of my parents. My family knows I don't like hospitals so Uncle Chris drops it after looking intently at my expression.

"Hey, everything is going to be fine." Uncle Chris sits in front of me. I nod, though I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong. 

"For now, just rest up and relax. There's new stuff on Netflix you may like," he tries to soothe me but I'm too antsy. 

"They're sending someone as soon as they can," Uncle Mark comes back to let us all know.

"Thanks for calling." I try to sound grateful but I'm way too worried about Mason's safety. The last time I talked to him he seemed fine. I don't think he's in any trouble, but he never ignores my messages and calls. If he was busy, then he would have messaged me by now. I really don't know where else he could be. I never wrote down the company address of his current work. I decide to head to my room to search up the office name of his latest work.

"Where are you going?" The twins get up to protest my sudden rush to go upstairs. 

"I'm just going to use my laptop in my room. It's no big deal." I can't believe they're going to watch my every move. I'm fine. I'm just in the house now. 

They relax a bit, as they seem to also be on edge. "You guys don't need to walk me to my own room..." I narrow my eyes at they seem like they want to do exactly that. 

"Stay put." I point to them, daring them to move. 

They sit obediently. Good boys.

I lay on my bed with my laptop. I'm supposed to relax and restrain from using my brain too much. However, how can I do that when Mason could be hurt by those men who went after me? He's capable of defending against himself but he's not superman. 

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